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Archive-name: Miscell/erosia09.txt

Archive-author: David P. Thomas

Archive-title: Erosian Theory and Practice

                    Erosian Treatise on the Physical Self

          Erosian Theory And Practice may at some points be

          abbreviated as ETAP.


          As an Erosian is well aware, our theory and practice stems

          from the physical act of sex. Sex has been defined on many

          levels, detailing its influence in love, family, lust,ect.

          However it is in the best interest of the studied Erosian

          to separate the levels of his/her sexuality and come to an

          understanding on each level. By following the above listed

          order of sexual definition, we will look at how Erosian

          Theory can apply to all levels of sexuality.

          LOVE -  Erosian Theory finds its biggest opposition, as

          well as it's biggest supporter in the love relationship.

          Unless both parties are involved in the Erosian study,

          growth, desire, and demand will differ. However when two

          compatible people, who both work and understand Erosian

          Theory join together in an EXCLUSIVE EROSIAN RELATIONSHIP

          they join together to grow, experience and build on the

          Erosian concepts together, exploring to the desired growth

          potential.  Erosian concepts do allow for non-Erosian

          relationships, at which time the Erosian should be aware

          that he/she will need to limit the physical experience

          growth, and expand mentally, or look to physical self

          growth via self gratification.

          FAMILY - Although Erosian Theory takes a backseat to the

          proper way to raise children, many of it's ideals can

          apply. Personal respect for ones's thoughts and actions,

          dignity in sexual relationships, respect for the thoughts

          and actions or others, as well as the non-judgemental

          aspect of Erosian Theory makes for strong teaching tools

          when working to define a child's attitudes toward sex.

          Once again, it cannot be stated emphatically enough that

          Erosian Theory and Practice in no way espouses any sexual

          activity amongst children.

          LUST - This is the cornerstone of the Erosian Theory.

          Although we have grown to respond to lust as a negative

          term, usually defined as base sexual instinct, this is

          merely another program set by narrow minded individuals

          who cannot understand the natural goodness inherant in

          sexual activity. When we understand that so many of these

          individuals see sex as the original sin, it is easy to

          understand the misdefinition of the word LUST. Lust is

          merely the physical side of sexual desire, divorced

          somewhat from love. Love details the emotional state of

          two people together, whereas lust defines the physical.

          Lust can be experienced without the trappings of love very

          rarely in our society. ETAP allows us to change this. With

          ETAP as our motivating focus, we can recognize desire, and

          channel it independent of a love interest. When the lust

          motivation is present in an individual who cannot

          differentiate between lust and love, or can differentiate

          but feels guilt associated with the lust not love

          relationship, the focus of desire is diminished, guilt

          replaces happiness, and sadness and confusion grow where

          there should be happiness and enjoyment. One of the first

          questions an ETAP follower should ask him/her self is

          this: "Am I in love/like with this person, or do I desire

          a physical experience(s) with him/her?" When the answer is

          determined, and if it is the latter of the two choices,

          then the Erosian should be very aware that the

          relationship is fun, enjoyable, growth oriented, but

          should not place love-valued emotions into play. False

          love can build unnecessary jelousy, anger, guilt and lack

          of self worth. You need to remember what you are and why

          you are doing what you do. Don't be afraid or guilty to

          call a sexual relationship what it is; a sexual

          relationship. If both parties define the terms, it becomes

          comprehendable to forsee relationships where two or three

          people get together because of a specific sexual desire,

          and work toward fulfilling that desire. It is not

          impossible to forsee special interest groups formed where

          the members would exchange ideas and work toward a

          guiltless group that could interact together. The key to

          this is honest and open communication and participation.

          Philosophy aside, there is also a certain degree to be

          said about performance and satisfaction. If an Erosian

          recognizes his or her sexuality, they must also have a

          desire to increase their abilites. In otherwords, a

          by-line to ETAP is increased sexual prowess. Please

          remember that this is not a measure of how much you please

          youself, but how much you please your partner.  Mutual

          satisfaction leads to greater input from each partner, and

          makes positive growth faster and stronger. (For more

          information on physical activities see Sexual Practices

          and Guidelines)

          But to the focus of the treatise: The Physical Self. To

          paraphrase Stephen Hayes, reknowned martial artist and

          author, "I have experienced many things that people would

          say go beyond the physical realm. However upon closer

          examination, I have found that they are inherently

          physical." The purpose of his statement was to show that

          many times we associate the occult and the unknown with

          magic and evil, when in reality, these things are the most

          natural, and most assuredly of the physical realm.

          In my concept of the physical plane, I find that all

          things come from the state of the physical self. Our

          body's organs, glands, nerves, etc are the instruments of

          our passage of this plane. The health of these tools and

          our ability to utilize them for our own pleasure is the

          focus of Erosian Physicality.

          If we conceive of the power that drives our physical

          bodies as energy, or the aura as I call it, then positive

          reinforcement of the structure that houses that power can

          only be good. The pleasure associated by the experience of

          the focused power in action is often seen by a runner's

          "high", an adrenalin surge, or in our situation, the

          orgasm. To enhance this pleasure, we should follow a

          course that stresses health, fitness and training of our

          sexual selves. When the physical self is honed to a fine

          point where we can experience the pleasures of orgasm in

          depth and focused, then we can begin to channel the energy

          released at this point for positive use in our lives.

          The point of physicality and the physical self is of value

          to the Erosian only. Sadly in today's world, many people

          experience orgasm like a fast food meal. Quick and tasty,

          but lacking in nutrition, and with no real value to the

          senses. Orgasm should be the dessert in a seven course

          meal, the coup de' gras of the experience, to be savored

          and remembered. However unlike a seven course meal, an

          orgasm should be a frequent and common activity.



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