Archive-name: Series/twins-bb.txt
Archive-title: The Twins - Brad and Barry (mf, incest, mm)
Brad and Barry seemed to be two brothers that were normal in all
appearances. They did all the things that twins would normally do together.
They shared their closes as they were the exact same size. They played
together all during their childhood and got along pretty well at most
times. Not to say that they didn't have the usual childish arguments. But
all in all they seemed to be your ordinary young boys. They even shared
the same bedroom like brothers of a close or same age would do. But Brad
and Barry were not quite the ordinary boys.
One day when the boys were about fourteen and their bodies were really
starting to mature, Barry was out in the family garage just looking for
something to do he was looking through some of their Dad's tool chests he
found a very unusual and very exciting magazine.As he thumbed through the
pages he was eyeing some very interesting pictures of girls and guys doing
something he had only heard about. One picture showed a girl on her knees
with a man kneeling behind her sticking his really huge cock in her pussy.
The sight did some really strange things the Barry's prick.
It made his jeans seem very uncomfortable and soon he noticed something
oozing from the end of his dick. It wasn't long that he found that if he
rubbed his aching rod that he felt a really nice tingly feeling begin to
grow in the small of his back.Soon he had laid down his magazine a was
stroking his prick with a quickening pace. After only about a couple of
minutes his balls tightened up and he had his first orgasm. He was just
beside himself with this new found fun. So he picked the magazine back up
and starting thumbing trough it again.
A couple of pages later he saw the man sitting on the edge of a chair
and this girl was sitting between his legs with the man's prick in her
mouth. She had this really happy look on her face and the man had his eyes
squeezed shut. The next page showed the man's cock shooting something out
of it and the girl was aiming it at her mouth and seemed to be enjoying
just like Barry would have enjoyed his favorite candy.
By this time Barry's cock was raging hard and the head was all purple
and he had started to stroke himself to a frenzy. The excitement got to
him fast and he blew his load all over his hand. "Wheweee!!", he said to
himself "I bet Brad's never seen nothing like this". So he quickly put his
dick into his pants, wiped off his hands on an old rag and stuffed the
magazine under his shirt and headed for the house.
Once inside he peeked into the living room to check on his Mom and saw
that she busy watching TV. "Hi Mom, I'm going upstairs to see what Brad's
doing", just to let her know he was around the house when dinner was ready
and he headed up to their room.
"Hey Brad you're never gonna guess what I found out in the garage". He
was smiling like he found a new bike. Brad was busy building a new model
car and didn't seem to interested so he quickly closed the door and pulled
out his prize magazine and opened it to a page. Then he shoved it front of
his brothers face. Barry's face quickly grew red, but he quickly stooped
what he was doing and just stared at the man and woman on the page who were
in the middle of a gut-wrenching orgasm where the girl was on top and the
man had just pulled his dick out as he was shooting a gigantic load.
"Where did you find that", he whispered knowing that their parents
wouldn't approve of the two young boys being privy to such forbidden stuff.
"I was looking around Dad's tool boxes and I found this in the bottom
of one", Barry said with a big grin. "You should see some off the other
pictures, you won't believe that two people could this kind of stuff".
Then Barry quickly turned the magazine back to the first page and the
two boys started thumbing through one page at a time. By the time they got
to the fourth page both of them had the biggest hard-ons that they had ever
had. Brad was very fidgety and his drawers were really starting to feel to
tight and Barry knew exactly how he felt. But he knew how to fix it.
Quickly he went and listened at the door and when he was sure nobody was
listening to the two boys in their room he dropped his jeans and sat down
next to his brother.
"I figured this out when I first got a boner in the garage earlier
Brad. Watch me for a minute and then you can try it too." He spit in his
hand and slowly started to stroke along the length of his raging cock.
Before long he had his eyes closed and was loosing himself in the best
feeling of his life so far.
Brad was a little embarrassed at first but after watching his twin
brother seem to enjoy himself so much he quickly followed suit. Shortly
both boys were feeling the urges of a spine-tingling orgasm that was to be
the first of many to come.As they each reached that plateau that would
finally put them over the edge they both opened their eyes to watch the
others reaction. When their first spurts erupted it was all they could do
to stop from screaming out. But they bit their lips and stroked faster
until their feelings of ecstasy had subsided.
"Wow Barry, that was great", Brad said gasping for breath.
"Yea, I know. You want to look at some more pictures and try again?"
"Brad and Barry, it's time for dinner",the boys mother called up them.
Surprised at all time that had gone by the boys quickly pulled up their
jeans, took a few deep breaths and headed for the door. Just as they were
leaving the room Brad quickly ran back and pushed the magazine under his
mattress. "We'll get back to that later", and both boys nodded and smiled
knowing that they'd be eating dinner faster than normal.
Down at the dinner table everything was already set out for the evening
meal. The boys each took a pork chop, some mashed potatoes and of course
they made sure to put some vegetables on their plates. Both boys smiling
all the while.
"Well boys I received a letter from your sister today and she says
that she will be coming home for about a month when college lets out after
the spring semester".
All the time she was speaking Barry was just kind of dreamily staring
at his mother. He knew that since their dad had died a couple of years ago
that she hadn't been seeing any men even though a few had sure tried hard
enough to ask her out. He figured with her good looks there must have been
plenty of men who wanted to get close to her. Today she was wearing a red
tank top which although it wasn't overly revealing it did show enough of a
well rounded bosom to stir Barry's interest. Along with that she was
wearing a pair of old jeans that she had cut off into shorts that were cut
just below the cheeks of a firm yet well rounded ass.
After looking at the girls in the magazine earlier, Barry was
wondering just how she really did look without her clothes on. As for
Brad, the thought of his 19 year old sister coming home had him thinking
about how her body would compare to sexy girls he had been jerking off to
earlier. Before either one of the boys knew it they were both feeling
pretty warm and they had the worst case of stiff dick that either had ever
had. They both made an extra effort to finish their dinners and excused
themselves and off they went to their room.
Once inside they quickly turned the radio so they could talk and not be
overheard in case their mother came by the room. Then Barry quickly pulled
the magazine back out from under the mattress.
"Check out the pictures a little farther back", Barry practically tore
the pages thumbing through them. He quickly found the ones in question and
showed them to his brother. Brad couldn't believe what he was seeing.
There was a girl on her hand and knees and there was one guy sticking his
really huge cock in her doggie style while there was yet another guy
sticking his fat prick in her mouth. the next picture showed the guys
shooting their wads and the one was aiming it right in her mouth. By the
look of the girl she was really enjoying her feast.
"Wow Brad, I never knew people did stuff like that", "do you think that
it would feel that good?"
"I don't know, but from the looks of the smile on that guys face I'd
say he really likes it.
"I sure would like to find someone to try it with, wouldn't you"?
With that in mind Brad came up with a real brainstorm of an idea. "Hey
why don't we try it out on each other?"
"I don't know if I'd want to find out how that stuff tastes", Barry
said a little uncomfortably.
"Come on Barry, we could do it to each other one at a time at least
once. If it didn't taste good we can always pull it out of our mouths
before we get the whole wad in our mouths and then we could spit out the
rest. Just look a the way that guy is smiling, and besides we'll never be
able to find any girls to try it with".
With that Barry started to pull down his pants and Brad was quick to
follow suit. When each boy had gotten his pants off Brad decided that
since he had to coax his brother that he would go ahead and be the first to
give it a try.
"Okay Barry I'll sit on the floor by the side of the bed and you sit
with your butt on the edge of the bed and I'll do you first. That way
you'll know if the effort really makes us feel like that guy in the book".
"Okay, but I hope nobody finds out about this". He quickly sat on the
edge of the bed and Brad sat on the floor looking up between his legs. He
already had a raging hardon of his own, but he new that his brother would
soon be taking care of that for him.
As Barry sat there Brad slowly reached out and touched his brother's
hard smooth cock. He had never touched anybody else's before and the
smoothness of it gave him quite a thrill.He slowly rubbed it up and down a
few times and then hesitantly leaned his face over it and gave it a quick
lick. The taste that greeted his tongue wasn't anything like he had
expected, kind of salty tangy, but not bad. He quickly licked it again but
this time around the head and then up and down the shaft. This time when
he stopped he peeked up at his brother. Barry was laying down now and he
had his eyes closed, but Brad could see a slight smile crossing his lips.
Taking that as a good sign he decided to plunge right in and he put the
throbbing cock in his mouth.
It tasted the same only the thought of what he was doing for his twin
brother gave him a shiver of excitement that was unbelievable. He started
to slowly raise and lower his mouth over the burning hot shaft. He kept
imagining what he would be feeling like when his own cocked would be
getting sucked and it seemed that he knew just what to do. Before long he
was moving his mouth up and down faster and faster and he could feel his
brother's cock seem to get bigger and bigger in his mouth. He took a
second to look up at Barry and he was balling up his fist and squeezing his
eyes so tight that Brad knew something was right. So he quickly swirled
his tongue over the throbbing head and there was a slightly sticky goo on
the end which blossomed into a sweet/tangy flavor that he quickly knew he
liked. He was moving his head up and down at quickening pace that he knew
would bring his brother off soon.
Then all of sudden his brother's dick swelled a bit more, he raised his
mouth for another plunge downward and there it was. Great globs of cum.
It was filling up his mouth so fast that he thought he mind drown in it.
But he was determined not to lose a drop. So he started swallowing every
delicious drop.Just when it seemed that it was slowing down another spasm
rocked his brother and there was more. Brad thought to himself that this
was great. So he kept moving up and down and swallowing. Then Barry, who
was really sky-rocketing off lifted his hips and pushed his dick a far as
he could. This action forced his cock more than a little ways farther into
Brad's mouth. It slid right down to his throat and Barry gave a final
spurt and he started to buck his hips which started a fucking motion in his
brother's mouth. Brad soon realized that he needed his relief too so he
started backing off that throbbing hunk. With that done Barry started to
come back down to earth.
"Wow Barry you sure went off. I thought you would never stop shooting
that stuff", Brad said as he was licking his lips.
Barry was still gasping for breath when sat up and looked at his
brother. He could see a slight wetness around his lips where some of his
load had seeped out of his mouth.
"I don't know if I can do it as good as you did, but I think I know
what that guy was feeling in that magazine. Let me take another look at it
so I can get an idea what to do". He quickly picked up the book and gazed
at the girl with the fat cock in her mouth and the way she twirled her
tongue around it and he tingled with the thought of what had just happened
to him.
"Okay, you lay down and let me see if I've got the right idea". Brad
quickly laid down on the edge of the bed while Barry sat on the floor.
Barry looked up at the new and exciting tool of pleasure that was staring
him right in the face. He admired it's hardness. The way it seemed to
shine and throb with expectation. Then he noticed those two balls that
were laying there also wanting to be sucked. He moved up between Brad's
legs and gently wrapped his hand around that wondrous hunk of flesh and his
other hand softly massaged those sweet looking balls. Without knowing why
he ducked his head and ran his tongue along the underside of that sack. He
knew that maybe a sweet nectar was waiting there ready to fill his mouth
with something new. A pleasure yet to be found. Next he opened his mouth
and sucked one of those tasty morsels in and rolled it around in his mouth.
He was pleased when he heard his brother let out a pleasurable sigh. It
gave him the incentive to go further still. As he continued to suck on
those balls he ran his tongue over them, massaging them as if urging them
to make plenty of that sweetness. Then he let them out of his mouth with a
pop. He liked the feeling of knowing that he was doing something wild and
exciting. He grabbed the shaft and gently ran his teeth over it next
pretending it was an ear of corn. This was all new to him, but he knew
that it must feel great. After a few moments of this he could see his
brother starting to roll his head around on the bed and he smiled. Then
slowly he put his lips on the head and just sucked. He sucked like he was
sucking a fresh frozen milkshake that was too thick to go through the straw
trying to draw out just a taste of was yet to come. Next he poked his
tongue into the little hole in the end to see if this would give him that
sample that he so wanted. With that he was rewarded. For just then a
small drop of pre- come came back on his tongue. He swirled it over his
palette like it was caviar. Oh what a treat he thought. I know I'll love
the rest to come. So he quickly put his mouth on that great piece of meat
and slid all the way down until he gagged just a little. Then he raised
his head until he almost let it fall out, but he quickly slid down it
again. All the time he was sucking his brother's cock he was imagining it
was own that was being sucked and this seemed to give the expertise that he
needed to go on. As for Brad, he body was quickly rising to an
unbelievable orgasmic height that he couldn't believe. It started with a
little twinge in his sack has his brother rolled his balls around in his
mouth. Then when Barry nibbled on his cock it sent shivers up and down his
spine. But when his throbbing member was gobbled up almost to the root it
was almost to much to bear. He wished that it could go on like this
While Barry was bobbing his head up and down that wondrous hunk he was
still trying to think of a way that he could keep sucking while his brother
was shooting those thick globs of cum. Then a light went off in his head.
He quickly backed of the now glistening rod and said, "Hey Brad, I want to
try something different. Why don't you stand up on the side of the bed.
Then I'll lay down on my back with my head over the side. Then I'll open
my mouth as wide as I can and you can put your cock in a little at a time.
I'll try to let you know if you go to fast, but I bet if we do it right you
should be able to put your whole cock in my mouth and even down my throat".
Brad was a little disappointed at having this change right in the middle of
what was going to be the best cum of his life, but when he thought of
fucking Barry's mouth he was quick to jump off the bed. Barry quickly laid
down close to edge of the bed and let his head drop over the side. Brad
could hardly wait. As soon as Barry opened his mouth Brad was right there
to push his anxious cock into that warm wet orifice. It was pretty hard to
not just jam his throbbing rod right in, but he didn't want to hurt his
twin brother so he took it easy. He slowly eased in the head and let that
sit there waiting for his brother to give the signal for more. Meanwhile
Barry was really starting to enjoy the feel of this hot meat sliding past
his lips. As soon as his brother put his cock head into his mouth he
immediately started in with a hard sucking that he knew would make Brad's
toes curl. But he didn't want his brother to shot off to fast before he
had a chance to get all of him in his mouth. So he reached behind him with
his hands and felt for Brad's hips. When he felt them he held on and
pulled forward to show that he was ready for more. With this sign Brad
slowly started to push his eager cock into that warm cavern of a mouth.
"This is fucking great", he sighed. "I wish I'd thought of it". But Barry
could barely hear him as he was putting all his attention on sucking that
hard pillar down into is waiting throat. He had about half of in by now
and he was soon accustomed to the feel of it so he pulled his brother in
even more. At this point Barry could just start to fell it press against
his throat. He felt a little gag at first, but he told himself that would
ruin it so he put it out of mind and just kept inching farther and farther
in. All the while he was flicking his tongue over the shaft to keep it wet
and slippery. Brad was nearly over the edge by this time, but he wanted to
be able to look down and see his whole cock disappear into that mouth so he
tried to think of something else that would keep him from shooting to soon.
There was only about an inch left now and Barry was sure he could
finish this off with ease. So quickly pulled his brother's hip forward
with a jerk and was surprised and delighted when he felt his pubic hair
tickle his nose. His heart raced at the thought of having at least six
inches of hard throbbing cock laying in his throat just waiting to explode
at any time. Brad opened his eyes when he felt his hips bang Barry's head
and the sight almost pushed him over the edge. But he wanted to get at
least three or four could thrusts down that wonderful throat before he
unloaded his thick supply of sweetness. So he slowly pulled back all the
way to the head and slowly pushed back in again, all the time watching to
see if Barry showed any signs of distress. When he saw none knew that he
would be over the edge on his fourth plunge so he decided to just go for
it. Barry also knew from that second push that it was going to be easy to
let that cock slide in and out as fast as it wanted and he was ready. With
each stroke outward he kept his tongue along the underside of the cock and
then quickly swirled it around the head before it started pressing forward
again. With all this happening to his prick Brad was hard as rock and his
eyes were glazing over. His knees felt like jelly and his balls were on
fire. He pulled out for the third time and quickly rammed it home again
all the way to the root and when he started to back off for the fourth time
his toes curled up and he felt liquid fire racing along the length of his
cock. He quickly pushed it back in that cavern of joy and there it was.
Great thick globs of cum were firing out of the end his prick. Barry was
caught a little by surprise at the sudden rush of his brother. But then he
felt the cock twitch and swell even more so he pulled on Brad's hips to
force the throbbing cock into his throat and just as he did it let go with
it first spurt of liquid treasure. This went right past his tongue and
down his gullet. Barry was a little surprised at how much actually came
out. It felt like he had already swallowed a whole cup full and it was
starting to spasm again. By this time Brad was out of control. All he
knew was that he wanted to plunge his cock in and out as much as possible
before the electricity that was running from his toes to his scalp stopped.
So he pulled out for another plunge. When he did this his second spasm
shot his load full onto Barry's tongue. Barry never imagined that the
human body could make something that tasted this delicious. It was like
ambrosia. It was hot, but it was so sweet that it made his head spin. He
hoped that there was more. So to help it along he started sucking again.
When Brad felt the renewed sucking it was all he could do not to yell out.
But instead he just pistoned his cock into those lips like a battering ram.
When he shot his third load it just sort of trickled out of the head and
the electricity in his back kind of ran out with it. But he gave one final
thrust to be sure there was no more and then he just leaned over and rested
his head on his brother's stomach to catch his breath. But Barry was so
caught up in the act that he was still sucking that wondrous meat trying to
get another few drops across his tongue. He must have sucked for another
minute or two when he realized that his brother was through and just has he
was letting the know soft prick slide from his lips he caught one last drop
from the head that he quickly licked away and rolled around his mouth.
By this time Brad was coming back to earth and he realized that Barry
was licking his lips and smiling at him. "You devil you. How did you
think of that idea?" He said between gasps.
Barry rolled over onto his stomach and pulled up the magazine that was
all but forgotten on the side of the bed and opened it the picture of the
man and woman fucking doggy style and showed his twin brother. "See, that
man was shoving his dick into pussy real far and she seemed to like it and
so did he. Well I figured that we don't have a pussy of our own, but your
mouth felt awfully good to me so I figured that maybe if I was able to take
you all the way into my throat that maybe that would almost as good".
"Almost as good! I've never had my dick in a girl's pussy before, but
it feels better then that I think it could kill ya.
" With that both boys laughed and hugged each other. Then they
quickly remembered that they must have been in the room for sometime and
their mother would be suspicious. So they quickly changed into their
pajamas went into the bedroom and ran a comb through their hair and decided
that they were each hungry for a snack before going to bed for the night.
As they were walking down the stairs they could hear the TV playing one
of the nightly soaps and they knew that their mother had hardly even
noticed that they weren't around interrupting her TV show.
It was the beginning of summer and all the kids were out of school for
the next three months. As was usual all the kids were ecstatic about not
having to go to school for three whole months and Brad and Barry were no
different. They had just had their fifteenth birthday at which their
mother told them that if they did as well in school the next year as they
did this past, that she would be willing to talk about buying them a car.
Not a separate when for each of the but one that they could share. This
wasn't quite what they wanted but having one car together was better than
no car at all.
They had the normal birthday like all fifteen year olds. They each
were told they could invite five friends apiece and then they played some
of the usual games for fifteen year olds. Of course both boys had invited
at least three girls a piece and they had insisted that the party be by the
pool in the back yard so that gave them plenty of opportunity to ogle the
girls ripening bodies in their cute two piece bathing suits. They had even
talked their mother in joining them for a swim when the part was breaking
up and everyone was going home. It was this point that they really noticed
how well shaped their mother was.
Comparing her to the six teenage girls at the party wasn't even
possible. The girls they had invited had bodies that were just starting to
get all the curves but weren't quite full. On the other hand their mother
was all curves. She wore a modest two piece bikini but they could still
see a lot of her charms. Those ripe round breasts that seemed to beg to be
squeezed and kissed. They flat belly that lead into a pair of well rounded
hips which in turn connected to that other hidden treasure that so far the
boys had only seen in magazines. Then there were those slender legs that
lead up to that hidden valley of treasure.
By the time everyone had left the party the boys were ready to rush off
to privacy of their bedroom and relieve that growing pressure in their swim
trunks. Little did they know that Bonnie their mother had been watching
them as they were eyeing those sweet teenage asses as they played in the
pool. She had some idea that the boys were probably interested in girls
because she had seen them more than once ogling her as she doing this or
that around the house in her night gown or in her more revealing halter
tops and short shorts. She didn't mind that the boys were curious about
the female body. As she was only 36 and still in fit shape she was even a
little flattered that the boys even noticed her at all. She knew that they
both needed like little talking to that most boys get from their father,
but her husband had been killed five years prior in a freak accident at his
job and now she was resolved to the fact that she was going to have to be
the one do the talking.
With this in mind she went to the kitchen and poured herself a big
glass of wine to settle her nerves and drank it down in two gulps. Then
she headed for the boys room. She knew the boys were probably playing with
one of there favorite models or the new game they had gotten for their
When she got to the door took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
"Barry, Brad, may I come in?" She heard the boys shuffling around the room
and figured they were probably straightening up a bit so she didn't just
rush in. It was lucky for them that she didn't because they had just taken
off their swim suits and were going to get into their favorite new past
time. Mainly sucking each other's dicks. They had even started to do
sixty-nine. But today they hadn't had a chance to get started when their
mother had knocked at the door. They quickly put on their swim trunks and
took a deep breath before letting her in the room.
"Well boys I'm glad you had a fun birthday party. It seems that your
friends really had fun to. She was still wearing her two piece bathing
suit and she noticed that it was having some effect on them from the looks
of their tight swim trunks. Her pussy gave a little throb a the thought of
those tender young cocks and sweet little balls with their soft down of
I came up here to talk to you boys about a serious subject that I think
that two teenage boys need to know about. Namely girls. When she
mentioned girls both boys looked at each other and turned a light shade of
red. But she acted as if she didn't notice so as not to add further to
their embarrassment.
"I noticed that you were really ogling at least three of the young
ladies at the pool today". She watched them to see if they acted innocent
or indifferent. When neither one said anything she continued. "I want you
to know that there is nothing wrong with two young men showing interest in
members of the opposite sex. In fact it is quite normal for boys and girls
to start noticing each other at about your age. But there are some things
that you should know before either one of you makes a mistake that could
cause big problems in the future". She looked at them both and they seemed
interested but acted nonchalant and dumb so she kept going. "Do either of
you know anything about what our bodies are made for?" Brad acted nervous
and Barry turned his head away in embarrassment not wanting to let his
mother see the guilt in his eyes. She took this for indifference and
decided to take the bull by the horns.
"I want to tell and show both of you some very important things today
that you both ought to know". With this she started to peel off her
bikini. Both boys just sat like statues when they saw her nude figure with
just her back facing them. Then she turned around and both boys couldn't
help but stare. She was beautiful. Every inch a work of art. She noticed
their mouths were hanging open so to kind of lighten things up she sat down
between them and grabbed their hands and held them for a minute before
saying more.
"I think this is probably a little bit of a shock to you but I don't
know any other way to approach it. What you see next you is a typical
female body. Starting with my neck, my arms, my shoulders and then there
are my breasts. Now both of you are probably real interested in breast, so
I'll let you each of you get a closer look. But remember, they are real
sensitive so don't get too rough. OK".
With that she put each boys hands on her breast and let them do the
rest. Both boys couldn't believe their eyes. Here they were with their
mother and they were feeling her tits. Hesitantly Brad leaned over to make
like he was getting a closer look and he gently lifted one breast up to his
lips and gave it a little kiss. Bonnie was a bit surprised but not upset.
She knew that they would be especially interested in her tits. They were
36 C's and very firm. They just stood straight out with no sag. So When
Brad Kissed one she just smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. Then
she laid back on the bed and instructed both boys to stand at the side of
the bed and watch carefully. "I want both of you to watch very carefully
because this will probably save some embarrassing moments later".
With that said she slowly ran her hand down over her stomach until she
reached the nearly hairless junction between her legs. "This is called a
vagina or as you've probably heard around the school a pussy. It has a few
special features that men don't have. To show what I mean I want both of
you to take off your swim trunks".
They both looked at each other and hesitated until she reached over
and tugged on both of their trunks at the same time at which they pulled
them down and kicked them off. "Now that we're all naked none of us has
anything to be ashamed of do we"? Brad shook his head no and Barry soon
did the same.
"I wanted to show you just what boys and girls do that can get them in
trouble if they don't know what they're doing. First this is called a
penis or dick for you school boys". At which time she reached out and
softly wrapped a hand around each one of their already erect cocks. She
gently rubbed them up and down until she knew they were excited past the
stage of embarrassment. "These things do a lot more than just pee. They
are used for giving each other pleasure. But I'll get to more of that in a
Next she put her hand back on the soft patch of hair between her
legs. "My vagina is also made for giving each other pleasure. Before you
can learn more about the pleasure though you both need to get a closer
look". She had each boy kneel between her legs while she held apart the
soft moist lips. This was really starting to get to her. "These are the
lips. This is the vagina and this is the clitoris", and she pointed to
each one respectively. "Each part is made to give pleasure. Brad I want
you to look real close and Barry you'll get to look next".
Brad stepped closer and Barry moved out of the way. "Okay Brad, put
your hand right here and feel how soft and juicy I am right here". She
then lead his hands to her mons. Then she let him just roam his fingers
all over her pussy. It was starting to really heat up. "Now this part is
the vagina or hole or love tunnel and probably a few other names that I
can't think of right now. Put your finger around it first and feel how wet
it's getting, then put a finger inside and feel how hot it feels, then I'll
tell you what it's for".
Brad did as he was told and he rubbed around the hole and felt a gooey
wetness there, but when he put his finger inside it was like a furnace and
he moved it around to get a good feel. His dick was throbbing terribly
right now, but Bonnie acted like there was nothing wrong. "Next if you
look up a little farther you will see my clitoris. This was made for
giving me pleasure. Every woman has one, its just that some clits, like
some peters are bigger than others". Hers was obviously bigger because it
stuck out like a small cock just begging to be sucked. Brad quickly
touched it and then moved aside for so Barry could try it.
Barry was a little more eager. He had been watching everything his
mother told Brad and he knew right where he wanted to start. He moved his
fingers deftly over the soft fur and reached for her clit. He had seen a
man with his face in a girls muff in the magazine and he was aching to get
a taste. Gently he put his thumb and forefinger around her clit and
started making slow stroking motions just like he had learned to do to his
prick. This caught his mother totally by surprise, but it also made her
pussy cry out for more so when ducked his head and gave it a little lick
she almost jumped off the bed. She quickly pulled his face in close and
laid her legs on his young shoulders. Barry took this as a positive sign
and started to lick and kiss all over her pussy. He rather liked the taste
and besides it smelled great. Before long with his timid little tongue
strokes Bonnie's body was reaching a plateau that she hadn't been on for
quite some time.
Brad meanwhile was stuck just standing there with a throbbing boner.
But Bonnie couldn't forget him for very long. She quickly motioned for him
to get up on the bed and to kneel next to her head. He quickly scrambled
up by her face. She quickly reached out and pulled his throbbing cock to
her now open mouth. At her first touch on his prick he almost lost his
cookies. She slowly grasped his cock with her experienced lips and sucked
him in up to the balls. He started bucking his hips pressing for release.
Meanwhile Barry was busily sucking her clit like it was a small dick
and Bonnie was steadily gaining the orgasm that she needed.When Brad let
loose with his first spasm she was ready for him. She held his hips close
to her face and sucked him all the way up to his balls and then she even
got his balls in too. He was beside himself with pleasure. He was
shooting more cum that he ever had with Barry sucking his cock. His mom
sure knew how to suck dick good. But Barry was finally bringing Bonnie
over the brink. When he put his tongue in her hole that was the final
straw. She blasted off. She clamped her legs around his head and rode him
like a stud cock. She was bucking so hard and squeezing his head so tight
that he thought he was going to suffocate. So he quickly pulled his tongue
out of her hole and again started to suck her clitoris. Bringing her to a
slow ebbing pace that soon brought her back to herself. Brad had since
shot all his wad into her hungry mouth and was sitting on the bed watching
his mother tremble with the last of her orgasm.
"Boys, you sure are fast learners. I hope I didn't move too fast and
scare you". She said as she hugged each one of them to her breast. But
Barry still hadn't found the relief that his rod needed and she quickly saw
this as he sat on the edge of the bed licking her come from his lips. She
quickly got off the bed and knelt in front of him between his strong young
thighs. Barry knew from past experiences with his brother what was to
follow so he spread his legs to give more access.
She reached out and slowly rubbed his shaft a few times to bring it to
a hardened peak. Then she gently rubbed those soft young balls and she
reached out with her tongue and gave them a gentle lick. Seeing that he
liked that she sucked one then both into her mouth and rolled them around
with her tongue, all the while using a suction on them which caused his
cock to tremble with excitement. After a few seconds of this she let them
out of her mouth and moved up to his hard young cock. This she gently
stroked until he let out a little moan. Slowly she put her lips to the
head and gave it a kiss and a gentle tug with her teeth.
As Brad was watching his mother give his brother an expert blow-job
his cock started to slowly rise back to a powerful hard- on. He started
rubbing it thinking that he could relieve himself by hand. But as his
mother slowly let the cock slide between her lips into the warmth that was
there he couldn't help but notice her enticing ass sticking out in the air.
Suddenly he remembered the picture of the man and woman where the man was
kneeling behind the girl and sticking his cock into her pussy. A second
later he was off the bed and kneeling behind his mothers soft ass. He put
his face in her pussy a gave it a few licks. Bonnie was at first surprised
by this action from her other son, but figured that he wanted to taste her
sweet pussy also. So she spread her legs a little to give his tongue more
access and then continued sucking Barry's sweet cock. When Brad noticed
his mom spreading her legs for him he took this as the go ahead. He darted
his tongue in her hole to get a taste and then sat down under her ass and
quickly clamped his lips over her entire pussy. He started a suction on it
that started her clit trembling. But he knew that he wanted something
else. So he turned around a pulled open the lips of her cunt quickly
rubbed the head of his hard cock along that crease. Then ever so slowly he
started to push his throbbing prick into her warmth. When he was half way
in and she didn't resist he pushed it all in and then let out a gasp. This
was like heaven he thought to himself. So he pulled out and started that
slow in and out that he had done to Barry's mouth.
When Bonnie first felt the her son's hard cock rubbing around the wet
lips of her pussy she wanted to stop him, but she knew that Barry was soon
going to give her that sweet dessert that her taste buds craved. As she
felt Brad's hot pillar of flesh start to slide into her burning tunnel she
knew that she couldn't stop him. So she went back to work on Barry tasty
young cock. She knew that he was really heating up now because he was
squeezing his eyes shut and he was rubbing his hands over her head as if he
was thinking of trying to fuck her face. When she thought of his juicy
young cock pistoning into her mouth and her other son's cock ramming her
hungry pussy it sent a thrill up her spine that she hadn't felt since her
husband had been alive. So she reached for Barry's hands and placed them
on her sensitive tits, at which he caught on and she went eagerly back to
bringing that sweet throbbing hard-on to the bursting point.
Barry was doing every thing his innocent young mind could to prolong
this joy. Him and his brother had been doing some pretty mean cock sucking
before but nothing as good as this. He quickly opened his eyes and looked
down at those lush lips as they swallowed his cock up to his balls and made
a permanent picture of it his mind. He didn't think he would ever forget
this day. The feel of those lips was like wet velvet on his prick. But it
was also so warm that it made his toes curl. He knew he couldn't hold back
much longer, so he laid down and tried pushing his hips up to meet her
mouth as she slipped down on his throbbing hot rod. It was then that he
felt her throat close around his cock and that was all it took to push him
over the edge.
Bonnie noticed that Barry's cock was swelling even more and she knew
from experience that he would be filling her hungry mouth with that much
desired liquid fire. So when he started to fuck up into her mouth she made
little swallowing motions in the back of her throat to urge him on. On his
second thrust she felt that first signal, that one drop of pre-cum that
told her that he was going to unload. So she raised her lips up to just
the head and put her hand on his stomach to let him know that she was
controlling things. Then she made a deep suction and lashed her tongue
along the underside of his cock. She wanted to taste every drop of his
load. A second later and there it was. His first full spasm completely
filled her mouth and she had to puff out her cheeks so that it didn't run
back out of her lips. She quickly started to gulp it down. Just when she
had swallowed most of it he sent yet another full load into her moist
cavern. She was really enjoying this. She hurriedly swallowed it down and
then pushed her lips down to the root and even took in his balls. This
sent Barry even farther into orbit and he shot another load that was almost
as big as the second. But Bonnie was ready and she let this one slide
right down her throat and she quivered at the thought of all that sweet
young cum reaching her belly. Gently she raised her face back up the
shooting hunk and caught the last little dribble on her tongue and kept it
there to savor like a fine wine.
Meanwhile Brad was having the time of his life pounding his young cock
into her pussy from behind. With each thrust he could feel his balls
tighten up and he knew that with a few more stroke he would be sending his
burning load deep inside this fiery hot love nest. His pumping was getting
to Bonnie too. She wanted to cum with him so she reached down and started
to rub her clit in time with his fucking. That did it. She was starting
to see stars and she knew he was right with her. When he made his next
stroke he seemed to go even deeper and he even nudged her cervix with that
sweet cock. This pushed her over the edge. Her flood gates let loose and
she was crazy with joy. She pushed back at him and reached back and
cupped his balls.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and forced her body down as hard as he
could and let loose with what must have been a gallon of burning liquid.
Then he started pistoning his hips back and forth, in and out forcing every
last drop from the end of his cock.He let out a gasp as he felt his last
drops leave the end of his dick and slowly leaned over his mother's back.
He was feeling like a rag doll and pulling in big breaths trying to bring
his mind back to earth. Bonnie was no better. She'd have never thought
that two young boys could bring her this much pleasure.
When all three had settle down and could talk she hugged them both,
gave each now shrunken dick at little kiss and said, "I don't know how you
boys learned to do all that, but you sure surprised me. I don't think you
need anymore lessons from this old body". When she said that both boys
started to tell her that she didn't look old and that they could always use
more lessons before they got too serious with the girls at school. She
smiled at that comment and hugged them both again. "Well you probably will
need some more tutoring sometime, But right now I could use a shower and
then I'll need to get to bed.
Brad and Barry looked a little hurt that she was picking up her clothes
and heading for the shower, but when they looked down and saw that their
cocks were two shrunken little noodles they knew she was right.
When she left the room Barry said, "can you believe what just
happened"? Brad was still in kind of a daze as he said,"I'm still trying
to figure out how it all started. One moment we were just starting to
learn about girls bodies and before you know it we're all wrapped up in
each other. I guess we should be getting a shower too". So they headed
for their own showers.
Once Bonnie got in the shower she started to think about what had just
happened between her and the boys. She knew that incest was taboo but her
body told her that she had gained a release.What the hell she said to
herself, as long as they weren't scared by it I guess it won't hurt to
indulge them and me. Besides I haven't felt that good for so long.She took
a long hot shower and let all tension run from her body. When she finished
she stepped out of the shower and toweled off. Then she walked into her
bedroom and pulled on one of her night shirts and looked at herself in the
mirror.The shirt was short but not too short. It came about six inches
above her knee and it was made from a white linen material that you could
just about see through if you stood just right before the light. It was
just a bit too tight, but she liked the way the material clung to her
breast and hips. It made her feel sexy and that was how she felt now.
The two boys were just finishing up their showers when she walked down
the hall towards the kitchen. When she heard them in their room she
stopped at the door. "I'm going to the kitchen for something to drink
before bed. Do either of you want something"?
"I'm fine mom, thanks anyway", Brad said. "I'll be down in a minute
for some juice", Barry answered her.
So with that she continued down the stairs and into the kitchen. She
poured herself a glass of milk and then poured a glass of orange juice for
Barry. Just as she put away the juice carton and was sitting down Barry
came in and sat down across the table from her. "Wow mom, I never thought
our bodies could ever make us feel like that. It almost seemed like my
head had separated from my whole body. Like I was floating in space".
Bonnie smiled and remembered what it was like her first time. It was
in the woods behind her house. She was with the boy down the street. They
had been seeing each other for a couple of months and thought for sure they
would marry each other someday. Her pussy gave a little twinge as she
thought of how it felt to finally get rid of her cherry. Especially after
all the talk she had heard from the rest of the girls about what it was
like to have a hard piece of meat sliding between your legs.When she came
out of her reverie Barry was finishing his juice and was going back
"Barry, I really enjoyed are little lesson today. But I want you and
Brad to know that what we did a lot of people wouldn't approve of and there
could be big trouble for all of us if any one found out. Ok". She watched
his eyes to see if he understood.
"Okay mom, I wouldn't want anything to hurt our family, especially now.
I'll talk to Brad to. I'm sure he'll understand and we won't tell a soul".
Bonnie quickly finished her milk and followed him up the stairs to go
to bed. "Good night boys, Get plenty of rest. I love you". She was
really glad that her two boys were smart enough to understand the
importance of keeping quiet about their little secret.
Once in her room, she run a brush through her hair, then laid on the
bed and started to browse through a magazine before she went to sleep.
Barry had told Brad what his mom said about keeping their secret and he
swore he would never tell anybody.
"You know Barry, I think mom's got the nicest boobs I've ever seen. I
mean they were so big, but yet they were so firm that they were almost
hard. And those nipples. Wow, I could have sucked them all day". As he
talked he had his hand in his pajama bottoms rubbing his now awakening
"Her tits were nice, but that pussy. What a taste. It was even better
than an ice cream sundae. So Sweet. And her clit. It was just like
sucking your cock". Now he too starting showing signs of a rapidly rising
Barry pulled the sheets down pulled out his semi-erect dick and rubbed
it real slow. "Man,would you look at that. It's only been about an hour
and it's already hard again. You want to suck it Brad? We could do each
other, then maybe we could get to sleep without having this to keep us
"I was thinking the same thing, but maybe we could crawl into bed with
mom and she could help get rid of these hard-ons. Why don't we go see if
she's still awake". So they quietly left their room and walked to the door
of her room. The door was still open a crack and they could see that the
light was out. Bonnie was laying on her side with her covers pulled up to
her waist. She still had on her night shirt but just looking at her made
both boys anxious to fell that warm bodies next to theirs. They quietly
stole into the room and stood beside the bed behind her for a second.
Bonnie was laying there kind of in a half asleep and half awake. She
thought that she had heard the boys walking around, but she also thought
that they were probably just going to the bathroom. So when she felt a
warm body press against her backside she was a little startled. But then
she realized who it was. Slowly she reached out her hand and searched
through the covers for the smooth prick she knew would be there.
"Well, What are you doing here? I thought the lesson was over for the
day". When she found his prick she started to slowly glide her hand up and
down it's length. Then she felt a second body press against her breast and
she realized that both boys had crawled in bed with her. She thought,"What
have I gotten started? Will I ever get any sleep"?
The next thing she knew she felt her shirt being raised up and a pair
of hands kneading her breast. Then a soft warm pair of lips was suckling
one nipple. She knew that young men had great stamina, but she figured
that two cums so close together would have satisfied them. Well she was
wrong, because The cock her hand was as hard as stone and giving faint
little throbs and the mouth at her breast was causing her to get warm and
wet down below.
"I thought you guys would have been sleeping by now. What's kept you
up"? She quickly reached down and grabbed them hem of her shirt and lifted
it over her head.
"We were laying in bed just thinking about all the fun we had earlier
and before we knew it we had these hard penises again. We don't know how
to make them go down". Barry said, playing dumb.
"Well we can't have two fine young men such as yourselves going to bed
like that can we"? She smiled.
She rolled onto her back. "Brad why don't you get down here between
my legs and explore my pussy for awhile and Barry you crawl up and sit with
your legs on either side of my boobs. I show want to do from there".
Brad didn't need anymore coaxing so he slid under the covers and laid
between her spread legs. This didn't make his dick feel any better, but he
was really anxious to get at that pussy. What greeted him was even more of
a surprise. Her pussy was now completely bald. It didn't have a single
hair on it. She must have shaved it off in the shower. He rubbed his face
over it's warm smoothness. He loved the way the soft smooth flesh felt
against his cheek. Next he started by running his tongue over the freshly
shaven lips. This caused Bonnie to move her hips up and down slightly and
he knew she was anxious for him to put his tongue into her fiery depths.
But he wanted to savor every little bit of this new found treat. So he
started running his tongue along the crease between the hole and the now
moist lips. Then he sucked one of the lips into his mouth and chewed it
gently. This caused her to move her body even more. Next he pulled up on
that tasty flesh and let it slide from his mouth. Then he ran his tongue
up and down her rapidly moistening cunt like it was a lollipop a few time
to get a real good taste.
Back on top of the covers Bonnie instructed Barry to place his dick on
the bone that ran between her tits. Then she had him slide his body
forward a little so that she could lean her head forward and lick it. Next
she pressed her tits together around the shaft and told him to start
rocking back and forth. When he did this the felling was unbelievable. It
sent feelings through his cock that almost had him over the edge. When
Bonnie noticed this she quickly stopped him and pulled him up to her face.
All in one motion she swallowed his rod and then just held him there. Then
she applied pressure with her teeth on the vein on the underside of his
cock to ebb his growing need. She wanted this to last because she needed a
different hole filled and she didn't know if he could get hard again
Brad was busy sucking her pussy like crazy. He had found that he could
put his mouth over the whole thing and that way he would get every drop of
the sweet nectar that ran from her pussy. All his sucking was taking it's
toll on Bonnie also. It had brought her body to a fevered pitch and she
didn't know if she could get control enough to get what she really wanted.
With this thought she gently slid the cock from between her lips and told
Barry to go to the bathroom and bring back the bottle of baby oil in the
medicine chest. Barry was a little upset over the interruption of such a
great blow-job, but he quickly ran to get it. Next she motioned for Brad
to bring himself up from out of the covers. When he did this she checked
to make sure his hard-on was still intact and then took the bottle of baby
oil from Brad. Next she had Barry lay on his back. She slowly rubbed some
oil all over his smooth young cock being sure to make it extra slippery.
Then she turned around and put her knees on either side of his hips and
straightened out her legs. She reached between her legs a grasped the now
slippery prick and placed it at the entrance to her tight little asshole
and slowly pushed.
Barry at first didn't know what was happening, but he was quick to
learn. So he grabbed his now throbbing hard-on and held it still. Slowly
she pushed. When his cock met the resistance of her sphincter it stopped
there for a second, but with her slow steady push it soon gave way and his
cock started to travel into that tight tunnel of darkness. She didn't want
him to blow his load as soon as he slid in so when she felt his prick touch
the far reaches of her ass she sat still for a minute and then leaned back
over his chest.
"Now Brad I want you to kneel in between mine and Barry's legs and
place your peter head at the entrance to my pussy. Don't push too fast
because it will take a second for my body to adjust to having two cocks in
it, but I'll let you know when you can push all the way in".
Brad quickly knelt between their legs. He grabbed his cock and
rubbed it around between her cunt lips a few time and then when he felt her
entrance he gave his hips a little push. At first it was so tight that he
thought that his dick would never fit. But just as his mother had said she
soon relaxed her steaming wet hole and he could feel it open for him.
"Ok Brad, now slowly push it all the way inside, but when you get all
the in I want you to stop moving. If you want this to be the best then
we'll have to take it easy".
So he slowly started to push his throbbing cock into the steamy hole.
It still felt tight, but it was wet enough to allow him total access.
Before long he looked down and saw his whole cock had disappeared in to her
Next she reached around and grabbed his ass to hold to for more
control. "Okay, now I want both of you to start taking long slow strokes.
Barry it will probably be the hardest for you to hold back, but if you feel
the pressure getting to bad just stop moving and it should cool off a bit.
Brad you do the same. I want to make all of us come together".
So the boys started to slowly stroke their cocks in and out of the two
holes. Brad who was fucking a hairless pussy was beside himself with
pleasure. It seemed his whole body was now only his cock. Each stroke
sent electric messages up his spine. With each stroke he could feel his
brothers cock plunging into that other place of pleasure, only a thin
membrane separating them. It almost seemed as if their pricks were one.
He could only get five or six strokes in before his balls sent him the
message of a near explosion. He quickly remembered what Bonnie had told
and stopped plunging into her.
Brad was having an even harder time. He could feel every pore of his
cock being swallowed by that hot dark nether region. He had never thought
that sticking his dick into someone's asshole could feel so great. On his
second inward stroke he knew that he was so close to cumming that he would
be hard pressed to stop before shooting his load. But when his hips
touched the soft cheeks of his mother's ass he reached around her chest and
started fondling her breasts. One in each hand. This allowed him to take
his mind off his cock enough so that he could hold back his impatient
Bonnie was out of control. She had always fantasized about being
fucked from both sides, but when she had approached the subject with her
deceased husband, he had said that it sounded sick to him and besides he
wouldn't share her body with anyone. Now that she was actually feeling two
cocks filling her two wanting holes she knew that she would never get
anything to feel this great. With each stroke of those hard young hunks
into her greedy core she felt herself rise to an almost unimaginable
height. Even when both boys stopped to ebb their desires, just the felling
of those pricks lodged in two different holes but only being separated by
that thin membrane it was driving her over the edge.
"Okay, now I want both of you to start fucking and I mean real steady.
Don't stop for anything. Plunge those hard young cocks into me as deep as
you can. I want to fell every inch of you".With that encouragement both
boys started to plummet their cocks downward. Searching for the end of
that warmth that they knew would bring release. Each incredible in and out
brought all of them to a point that much closer of a mind shattering
Brad's balls felt like they were on fire. The tingling started from
deep within his sack and started to move up his prick getting closer to the
head with each thrust.Barry's prick was pushing so far and so deep that
each downward thrust was hitting her cervix which only added more fire to
his now enflamed manhood. He knew he was just about there.
Bonnie was past the point of no return. She felt the impending orgasm
knocking at the gates of her mind. She used her legs to help the boys get
even more rhythm and then grabbed Barry's ass cheeks and pulled him into as
far as she could and let go. All the pent up tension left along with one
long orgasm. When her floodgates opened she let loose with such a torrent
of cum that she could feel it running down the crack of her ass and over
Brad's now jerking cock.
Barry threw his head back on that final plunge and shot every ounce of
jism he had into that waiting hole. He pulled back his hips and drove
again and still more liquid fire was being added to what already lay there.
Brad pushed his cock as deep up her ass as her cheeks would let and the
cum rocketed out of the head of his cock like it was coming home after
being gone for so long. His prick knew that it had found paradise. He
could feel his mother's rectum spasming around his throbbing pillar and
this drove him on. He let loose with yet another torrent on jism which
completely filled up her anal cavity and began to run back around his dick
and down the crack of his ass. Finally he laid down and started to return
to earth. His cock had give it's final spasm and was now starting to
shrink to it's normal size.
Barry wanted to never take his cock out of that pleasurable pussy.
With feelings like that coming over his cock he didn't ever want it to
stop. But his last wad had sapped him and now his prick too had shrunk and
he felt it plop out of the warmth to lie softly on his thigh. He rolled
over on the side of the bed and collapsed.
Bonnie had never felt so good in her life. Those two plunging cocks
had sent her to mars and back. When Barry's dick slid out of her pussy she
was a little disappointed, but she knew that there would be other times.
She slid down off of Brad's dick and lay between his legs. She looked at
his now shrunken dick. It was all covered with his and her juices. It
looked so cute laying there against his thigh. She gently reached out and
ran her fingers over it. Then she snaked out her tongue and licked it. It
tasted good. She had tasted her own come before and she liked the way this
tasted mixed with hers. She put the soft cock in her mouth and cleaned it
all off with her tongue. But it was still lifeless.
She reached over to Barry and saw his prick was the same so she quickly
slipped his into her mouth and gave it a thorough tongue lashing also. It
tasted like sweet nectar. But no matter how much she tried it would not
rise to the occasion. She knew that both boys would sleep good tonight.
She quietly slipped out of her bed, picked up her night shirt and walked
down the hall to the boys room where upon she climbed into one of the beds
and dropped quickly off to sleep.
It was a warm summer afternoon. The sun was gradually making it's way
to it's setting and there was a slight breeze.
There was a low moaning sound coming from a group of bushes in the
woods about a mile behind Brad and Barry's house.
When Barry first heard these intimate sounds he wanted to walk right in
there and see who was at the center of those seductive sounds. But he had
learned that it might be better for him if he quietly snuck up and peeked
on whoever it was that seemed to be enjoying themselves so much.
When he slowly parted the bushes his eyes almost came out of his head.
There was his brother Brad on his knees pumping is cock into Darla
Jennings. Sweet Darla. Why she must have been the fantasy girl of half
the juniors at Helmstead High. The way she was rolling her head around and
the noise she was making he could tell that his brother must have really
been going at for some time. Brad was ramming his prick into so hard and
so fast that his hips were almost a blur. Barry quietly watched them for
about five minutes when suddenly Brad pulled back on her hips and shot load
after load of his hot juices into waiting cavern.
When he had gained his senses he leaned back and let his limp dick slip
out and he just seemed to gaze into nowhere. That was when he noticed
Barry. Putting his finger to his lips Barry motioned for him to come over
where he was standing, but to leave Darla there.
"I've got to go take a leak Darla, you stat put and I'll be right back.
We can start back in a minute". "Don't you go off and leave me here for
long Brad, you're not finished with me that fast. There's still a few more
positions we haven't got yet".
"I'll be back before you can blink an eye".
When he got around the bushes he motioned for Barry to follow him out
of earshot of Darla. "What are you doing sneaking up on me Barry. If
Darla knew you were watching she'd have my hide and I'd never get in her
pants again".
"I didn't know it was it you when I first came out here. I was
walking over to Tommy's house and I heard these moans so I figured I'd
check it out. You're not the only guy to bring a girl out here".
"So what are you hanging around for then. You can see I've got the
hottest babe in town on her knees begging to fuck me and I'm going back
there now and you're going to get lost".
"Wait a minute. I thought we were brothers".
"Yea, so what"?
"Well, I was thinking. We could kind of share her. If we did it
right, by the time she realized what was happening she would be too far
gone to stop and then we could both slip her a little sausage".
"What have you got in mind"?
"Well you go back in there and start working her over. You know get
her real hot. Then tell her that you want her to suck your dick for a
while before you play hide the sausage again. Then when she's all wrapped
with your cock in her mouth I'll sneak up behind her and slip her the
salami from behind. We'll have her so horny by that time that she'll be
begging us to screw the pants off her".
"Well OK, I'll give it a try. But you got make sure she don't notice
you sneaking up on her. If she hears you, she might scream and she could
bite my peter off".Both boys laughed at that, but Brad quickly ran back to
his sweet little honey, Darla.
"What took you so long? Can't you see that this sweet little pussy is
just dying to be filled again. I just love the way you make me feel so
full inside. Why don't you come over here and give me that big hunk
"I think I'll have me a little dessert first. You lay back and I'll
show you something that'll make your head spin".
When Darla laid down on her back brad looked her over real slow. He
couldn't believe he was actually here with the prettiest thing in town.
Not only did she have one of the sweetest looking asses he had ever seen,
she had the best titties too. Even when she laid on her back they just
sort of reached out to him as if to say, "come and fell me", or "suck me
good". She was so beautiful.
Brad started at her lips. He gently kissed those luscious lips until
she gave a little gasp. Then he move around to her neck and slowly ran his
tongue along her neck to her earlobe, where he probed with his tongue.
Seeing this did not have the desired affect he quickly licked his way down
to those luscious orbs. He gave each one a little nip and then started a
real slow hard sucking. he moved back and forth between tits like he was
undecided on which one was better. Actually he loved her tits the same,
but knowing that he was actually sucking and biting on Darla's made it so
much more enjoyable.
When he was sure he had enough of her breast he let his tongue run a
line down her stomach. He quickly stopped and ran his tongue around her
navel and then slowly descended to that most treasured target.
Darla usually wore one of those new thong bikinis. She didn't want any
tell tale pubes showing out the skimpy bottom so she kept her bush trimmed
down to a cute little stripe that barely left any hair on her pussy at all.
Brad had never seen one shaved like that, but that made it all the more
pleasing. When his tongue reached the beginning of that sparse patch he
ran it along it's sides and then around to her thigh. Here he licked small
circles ending each one right where her legs joined her groin. He could
tell by the little mewing sounds she made that it was having the desired
effect. This encouraged him on farther. Next he ran his tongue back up to
the top of her mound. He gently put both hands on either side of her love
nest and spread her lips with his hands and did a quick inspection of the
treasure that lay hidden beneath that golden fleece. Her clit wasn't as
big as big as his mother's, but it looked so inviting that he trembled with
the thought of capturing it with his teeth and lips. Slowly he worked his
tongue down over the ridge of her mound until it found that little piece of
sweet knob. When he reached it he let his tongue run circles all over it
until he could feel her body tense. Then he captured it in his mouth and
sucked real soft. This brought her ass off the ground. She started
moaning like a bitch in heat and she was pushing his face hard against her
cunt trying to force more of it in his mouth. Brad knew that she would be
loosing her cookies at any moment. Quickly he moved his mouth down to her
sweet hole and plunged his tongue in as far as it would go. That was all
it took. She skyrocketed. She was moaning so loud and thrashing her head
around so much that he thought for sure the whole world would hear. He
kept it up for a little bit longer and then he moved his face back and blew
little hot breaths on her pussy. She thrashed a little longer and then
started to quiet down.
When he sat back up she leaned up to him and quickly gave him the
biggest kiss he'd ever had and even snaked her tongue in to taste her
"That was incredible. I've never had anybody do that to me before.
You made me feel like my whole body was on fire. I can't believe how good
it felt. Can girls make guys feel that good too"?
"I bet if you tried and I told a few things along the way, you could
have me blasting off in no time".
She quickly put her hand on his chest to make lay down, but he stopped
her and said, "it works much better for men if we kind of stay on our
knees. Men like to be able to feel that they have a little control. Even
if they really don't".So when he sat back on his haunches with his dick
sticking straight out like a flag pole, Darla quickly got on her knees in
front of him. He knew she like the taste of her own juices from the way
she had frenched him a few minutes ago, so he knew that the scum left on
his cock from their last fuck wouldn't stop her now.
"Okay, first thing is for you to lean over and pretend your licking a
nice sweet lollipop. Run your tongue all up and down the shaft a few time
to get the feel of how a cock feels". "Then lick back up to the top and
put your lips over the head. Be sure to cover your teeth with your lips,
cause it doesn't fell good having teeth rubbed on a hard dick. Then when
you feel like you got that part, slowly slide your lips down the shaft
until you feel it against the back of your throat. Once you get that far I
think the rest you'll be able to figure out".
She slowly lifted his meat to her lips and carefully pursing them she
slid her lips over the head. At first touch she knew this was going to be
fun. Once she had the head just inside her mouth she tried running her
tongue over it to see how it tasted. She immediately tasted her own juices
and knew she was going to like it even more. Next she slowly slid her lips
down his length. "Take your time Darla. If you want to get me off the way
I did you, you need to take it slow and not try to rush things. Slide your
lips all the way down and then stay down for a few seconds so you can get
used to having something this big in there. Then try to go down a little
farther. You might feel like choking when my cock first hits the back of
your throat, but that's normal. Just stop right there until the feeling
passes and then slide down a bit farther. Keep doing that until you've got
all of me in your mouth and throat. You'll be surprised at how easy it
is.Darla quivered with the thought of all that hot flesh in her mouth and
all the sweet hot cum stored in those balls that would her filling her
mouth to run slowly down her throat. When she first felt that if fat dick
press against her throat she thought she'd never be able to accommodate it
in there. But she listened to Brad's instructions and stopped moving. She
noticed that after a few seconds the pressure eased a bit and she felt sure
she could continue. An inch at a time she forced that hot cock down her
throat. The felling was incredible.She could feel it throbbing in her
throat, just begging for release. But she wasn't done yet. She wanted to
make Brad climb that ladder of orgasm to the very last minute. She opened
her eyes and saw that she had only about an inch to go and her heart
pounded with the thrill of knowing she could engulf the wonderful cock.
She gently pushed her lips down that last inch and was rewarded when she
felt his pubic hair brush her nose.It felt so different having something of
this size in her throat. Almost like having a cock split her pussy apart
for the first time. From that time on she knew that sucking dick would be
her favorite next to slid her pussy over one.
Brad was hard put not lose unload down those beautiful lips from the
first moment she took him in, but he knew that Barry was waiting to get his
greedy cock into that steaming pussy, so he started to think of things that
would cool his nuts off for the time being.
Barry was beside him self now. It was hard enough watching his brother
run his tongue all over this sweet piece of meat, but to see him with his
cock stuffed all the way down her throat was about as much as he could
take. Slowly he slid his pants down and kicked them off. Next he tore off
his tee-shirt and piled it with his pants. He waited a few seconds more to
be sure that Darla was totally engrossed in her first blow-job and then
quietly slid through the bushes. She still didn't notice him when he
dropped to his knees so he grabbed his throbbing member and stroked it a
few times, all the while watching her head bob up and down on Brad's rod.
He held his staff out and aimed for the mouth of her now sopping pussy and
sunk it in to the hilt with one easy plunge.
Darla was caught totally unawares by this invasion of she knew not
what. She immediately started to ask what the hell was going on, but with
her mouth full of cock all she could do was mumble. Brad, seeing that she
might want to back off his pillar of hot flesh, put his hands on her head
and held her steady. Meanwhile Barry had wrapped his hand around her hips
so when she tried to pull away he was ready for her. He slammed his hip
against her ass with a force so hard that it made a little slapping sound
and he was buried up to the nuts. Then he started a slow easy in and out
that he knew would take it toll on her already steamy tunnel. After he
plundered her a few times she slowly started to respond. He smiled as he
looked towards his brother and nodded his head to show that she was
With that Brad slowly started his slow pumping into her mouth that
bring him his much needed release.
At first touch of this new flesh penetrating her heated hole, Darla was
scared that she was being used in a way that she didn't care for. But when
that hot staff kept gliding into her waiting hole her body overcame it's
fear and started to respond. That monstrous cock in her mouth was staring
to throb and the one in her snatch was bringing her closer to a mind
shattering orgasm. She soon realized that she was too far gone to turn
back so she went at those two cocks with shear abandon.
Barry started to fell his ball tighten and he knew that he wouldn't be
far off now. He started to thrust harder and harder to bring him to that
spine splitting release that was almost there.
Brad was right ahead of him and already his cock was gathering for the
wad that would seem to tear his mind from his body.
When Brad's cock gave it's first blast into Darla's anxious mouth, her
mind began to reel. The prick in her pussy was setting it aflame. She
knew that she was going to have the deepest, hardest come of her young
Barry made one last plunge into that sweet moist cavern and then he let
loose with a flood of cum. It spurted from his cockhead so hard that it
bounced off her cervix and started to run out of her pussy making it all
the more slick.When that first wad hit bottom Darla's body was lost in a
pleasure dome. Every nerve in her body was on fire. Her pussy was
throbbing and the dock in her mouth was filling her up faster than she
could swallow. She felt out of control. When she felt Brad's cock give a
final weak spurt she slowly backed off that throbbing hunk and pushed her
ass down hard on Barry's staff to feel it throb all along her hot
tunnel.Barry's rod gave one final spasm and then started to recede. He had
shot so much liquid fire that it was running back out of her pussy and onto
his thighs. After his last spasm he pulled out and fell over on his side
to catch his breath.
Brad slowly rolled Darla over onto her back to let her see that it was
his brother that he had been sharing her charms with.
When she saw how the two boys looked so much alike, she stopped
thinking about why she should be mad, and started to laugh. "Why didn't
you tell me that you had a twin brother"?"Well I guess it never came up.
We've only been seeing each other a little while and I just figured
everyone at school knew about us".
Barry had finally caught his breath enough to say "You sure are one
pretty girl Darla. I been watching you ever since the first day of school.
I didn't want to scare you, but when I heard you moaning earlier I just
help wanting you. Me and Brad figured that with the right plan we could
really show how close two brothers can be".
"You two sure did surprise me, but I guess it's alright. Besides, with
the way you two look I could never be sure which one I was with anyhow.
This way I'll know where both of you are". With that they all laughed.
Then Barry started to run his hands around the smooth globes that were
Darla's tits. "Anyone want to try for seconds", he said.
/* There are two versions ending this story. It's not known by us which one
is done by the original author (maybe both). We have both of the endings
here. */
Barry, Brad and their mother Bonnie kept up their sex lessons making
Brad and Barry very happy and satisfied and their mother Bonnie
delighted. Bonnie was getting fucked almost every night and like last
night she had both her young stallions in her at the same time. Brad
had surprised her in the living room while she was exercising and as he
watched her he took out his cock and began to stroke it for her. Bonnie
seeing his stiff prick stripped off her t-shirt and shorts and began to
suck her son's thick prick making him moan with pleasure as she deep
throated his big prick and massaged his cum filled balls. As she was
sucking off her son his twin brother Barry came home and after stripping
down began to lick and suck Bonnie's large firm tits as he finger fucked
his mothers's hot wet pussy. Bonnie loved the feeling of her son's
fingers probing the slippery wetness of her pussy while her mouth
surrounded her other son's stiff prick. Before Brad could climax in her
mouth she pulled him down and straddled his prick forcing her son deep
into her wet tight slit fucking his stiff prick far into the creamy
recesses of her pulsing pussy. Bonnie wanted to feel both her son's in
her firm body and after sucking Barry's cock to a nice stiff hard on
told her son to fuck her in the asshole. Barry got in behind his mother
and spread her ass cheeks licking her pucker anus until it was nice and
wet. Bonnie reached back and guided her son's stiff prick up her
twitching asshole until his balls were pressing against her slippery
cunt lips. Barry and Brad fucked her hard making her cum multiple times
until they finally pumped her cunt and asshole full of their sweet sperm
grunting out their pleasure as they fucked Bonnie's hot holes.
Bonnie returned the favor and sucked them up to another erection letting
Brad fuck her asshole while she sucked Barry's cock and fingered his
anus. Brad was reaming his mother asshole with his stiff prick and
trying to hold off his orgasm as long as possible. Finally Bonnie began
her climax and her asshole clamped tightly around her son's pounding
prick bringing Brad off and filling her anus with his thick cream.
Barry rolled his mother on her back and licked her pussy making her
twitch with post climax tension until he could not resist any longer and
spread her pussy lips pressing his stiff prick up his mother's hot wet
cunt. Bonnie pulled on her tits and nipples as her son fucked her wide
open slit with hard fast strokes making her climax twice before he
filled her wanton cunt with another load of hot sperm. The boys
continued to pleasure their mother until she passed out and then they
covered her up with a blanket and got something to eat and waited until
she revived a bit. When Bonnie woke up the boys helped her to the
shower and washed her cum soaked body and put her to bed crawling in bed
with her and caressing her until they all fell asleep.
When Bonnie woke up she could feel the boy's around her and held them to
her body enjoying the warmth of their hard young bodies. Bonnie worried
though because her daughter Janet was returning from college today to
spend the summer. Bonnie knew she couldn't keep the boys away from her
all summer and worried that her secret sex life with her sons would be
found out. The boys woke up and started to play with their mother's
tits and cunt making Bonnie horny and wet. Bonnie knew she would have
to talk to them about Janet but wondered how to broach the subject.
Bonnie wanted to fuck the boys once more but knew they would have to be
getting up to go to the airport to pick up Janet so she got up suddenly
and told them to get up and get ready for breakfast. Bonnie and the
boys had become bold and walked around naked while in the house dressing
only when they were expecting friends or planning to go out. Bonnie
went downstairs and started breakfast. The boys came down stairs
sporting stiff cocks which made Bonnie horny all over again. While
Bonnie fried some eggs Barry rubbed her ass and wormed a finger up her
butt. Brad followed his brother's lead and stood behind his mother and
reaching around feeling her tits and pulling on her now very stiff
nipples. Bonnie knew she was lost and turned off the eggs. Both boys
had raging hard cocks and Bonnie reached out for them pulling on their
stiff pricks as they rubbed her body into a frenzy. The boys pushed her
down to her knees and she took Brad's prick in her mouth as she fondled
his cum filled balls. Barry got behind her and spread her now very wet
pussy lips and pressed his prick deep into her pulsing vagina fucking
his mothers sopping pussy with long firm strokes. Bonnie was fucking
her cunt back against her son's thrusts and moaning as she deep throated
Brad's pulsing cock. Brad began to fuck her mouth hard thrusting his
young prick deep into her throat and shooting his sweet cream into her
throat. As Bonnie swallowed her son's sweet cream Barry began to shoot
his load into her hot slit making her climax as she drank Brad's sperm.
No sooner had she milked her son's balls of their delicious liquid Brad
pulled his still erect prick from her mouth and he and his Brother
switched positions. Barry forced his cock fresh from her cunt into her
mouth and began to fuck her face with hard strokes. As his cock slid
past her lips and into her throat she felt Brad's stiff prick ramming up
her pussy and filling her sperm drenched cunt with his desire. The boys
continued to fuck their mother and Brad filled her cunt with cum just as
she reached her second climax and drank down another load from Barry's
hot stiff cock.
After a shower they dressed and left of the airport. On the way Bonnie
talked to them about how they had to act while Janet their 19 year old
sister was home. The boys were not happy about it but they understood
and Bonnie told them they would get some lessons while Janet was home
but they would have to wait for the right time when Janet would be out
of the house. Janet's plane was on time Bonnie hugged her daughter and
held her welcoming her back but wondering how she was going to manage
the boys while her daughter was home. Brad and Barry kissed Janet and
hugged her too noticing that Janet's tits felt good as they pressed up
against their chests. Janet was happy and bouncing with joy looking
forward to the summer away from school. As they rode home Brad was
thinking about his sister in new ways and wondering if he could find a
way to have sex with his sister too.
They got home and Janet wanted to take a shower so she went upstairs and
Brad and Barry went to their room. Bonnie worried to herself but there
was little she could do but wait and see how things would go. Brad
confided his desire for his sister Janet to Barry and found that he was
not the only one to think of her as a possible sex partner. Brad and
Barry thought about their predicament and finally decided to try to get
her involved by letting her catch them masturbating and see if they
could get Janet hot enough to make her want to play with their cocks.
She would then be at their mercy and maybe they would be able to get
Janet to join them with their mother.
Janet sensed some tenseness with the boys while they rode home in the
car but now she was enjoying a relaxing shower. She had been looking
forward to coming home and wanted to lay around and rest this summer.
Janet thought about her roommates Jill and Ceil and missed them already
they had become very close during the school year. As Janet soaped her
young body she thought of last night and making love to her friends Jill
and Ceil. Janet and her roommates had been lovers ever since the
afternoon while she was supposed to be at the Library. Janet had
returned to find her two roommates in a hot 69 on the floor eating each
other's pussies while they probed each other assholes with their
fingers. Janet still remembered how excited she had become watching her
roommates make love to each other and as she remembered the events of
that afternoon her fingers stole up her pussy and she began to finger
her hot little box. Janet had been having sex ever since high school
and loved both men and women as partners. She especially liked to be
fucked while eating out another girl and she and her roommates had often
shared their dates bringing them back to the room and fucking them until
the poor guy was nearly dead. Janet worked her cunt hard and climaxed
twice while she showered. Finally Janet turned off the shower and dried
herself off and remembered she had not brought clean cloths to change
into. Janet laughed and thought of how she and her roommates would never
dress while in their room walking around naked most of the time. Janet
wrapped the small towel around her barely covering her firm tits and
coming just below her pussy. Janet left the bathroom and headed down
the hall to her room as she passed the boys room she noticed that their
door was open a crack and she looked in to see Brad laying naked on the
bed his prick stiff and hard as he stroked his long shaft. Janet paused
to watch as her brother stroked his cock and the site made her pussy
twitch thinking of how good it would feel going up her cunt. Janet got
a bit closer to the door and watched as Brad worked his stiff cock
moaning a bit as his pleasure built. Janet's hand was already rubbing
her juicy shaved cunt and she was lost in her own lust.
Suddenly the door opened wide and she was looking at Barry standing
there his cock stiff and a wide smile on his face. For a moment no one
said a thing and then Barry grabbed her by the towel and pulled her into
the room and closed the door. Janet's towel fell off her exposing her
nude body to her brothers lustfull gaze. Janet was very turned on by
the nude bodies of her twin brothers their stiff pricks looked bigger
than she had imagined and her pussy was wet with her lust. Brad stopped
stroking his cock and got off the bed and approached Janet his stiff
prick bouncing suggestively as he walked. For a long moment no one spoke
as they looked each other over. Brad liked Janet's firm young tits and
her nipples were stiff with excitement as she stood there naked not
covering her body at all from their lust filled eyes. Janet was the
first to speak and she told her brothers they had grown quite a bit and
she liked what she saw. Barry told Janet he thought she was beautiful
and put his arm around her pulling her nude body to his and rubbing the
head of his cock into her firm thigh. Janet knew she was going to enjoy
her summer as much as she had being at school and reached out grabbing
Brad's stiff prick pulling him to her side. Brad and Barry were all
over their sister Janet in a flash their hands were already fondling
her firm tits and Barry had his hand on her pussy and was rubbing her
clean shaven slit and fingering her hot stiff clit. Brad began to suck
his sister Janet's stiff nipple while his hand slid down her firm ass
and he began to rub her tight little anal pucker.
Janet was surprised by her brothers experience level and was loving the
attention they were paying her. Brad and Barry closed the door again
leaving it open just a bit hoping their mother Bonnie would come up and
see them getting it on with Janet. Barry sat on the edge of his bed and
spread his legs calling his sister to join him. Janet moved between his
legs and stroked his cock and played with his balls a bit then lowered
her head to his prick licking up and down his ridged shaft. Brad placed
his hand on his sisters head and forced his dick into her mouth feeling
her warm wet mouth envelope his straining prick. Janet started to suck
Brad's hard cock tasting the pre-cum that leaked from his stiff prick.
Janet felt Barry behind her and she started to tremble as Barry licked
and fingered her clean shaven cunt and probed her hot anus with his wet
tongue. Barry wanted to feel his cock up his sisters hot slippery slit
so he spread her legs more and placed his stiff prick against his
sisters sopping pussy. Barry slowly worked his cock deep into Janet's
cunt feeling the velvet walls of her vagina squeeze his stiff shaft as
he filled her hot slit with his prick. Janet was already near climax
and she could tell Brad was about to fill her greedy mouth with his
sperm as he lurched forward ramming the swollen head of his thick prick
deep into her throat. Barry's cock was fully up her slit and she felt
full and excited her pussy throbbing with excitement as her brother
began to slowly ream her tight slit with his big prick. Janet squeezed
Brad's balls and felt him start to shoot his cum down her throat.
Brad's load was thick and sweet and Janet had a hard time keeping up
with the flow of sperm shooting out of her brother's cock. Barry in the
meantime was pounding his sister's cunt making her ass cheeks and tits
jump as he rammed his stiff prick up her tight young cunt. Janet's
first climax hit her hard and caused her cunt to clamp down on Barry's
rampaging cock sending him over the top and causing him to shoot his
sperm up her hot cunt. Barry fucked his sister until his cock went soft
and then pulled out and licked her spermy cunt.
Brad was pulling Janet's nipples as she washed his cock and balls with
her tongue sucking up all his sweet cream. Brad wanted to fuck his
sister too, and Janet was ready for anything her twin brothers could
think up. Brad layed back on his bed and pulled Janet up on him pulling
her tits and nipples making her moan with desire. Janet seeing Brad's
cock rise again straddled his hips and opened her pussy and guided his
stiff prick up her sperm lubed pussy. Janet rammed her cunt down on her
brothers cock forcing his dick deep into her overheated snatch bumping
the head of Brad's prick against her cervix. Barry not wanting to be
left out stood next to the bed and pulled on Janet's nipples and pressed
his now stiff prick into her mouth. Janet took Barry's cock deep into
her throat as she pounded Brad's stiff pecker up her cunt making her
pussy convulse with pleasure. Janet thought she was going to lose her
mind from all the pleasure she was feeling and she sucked and fucked her
brothers until she had two more climaxes and Brad filled her cunt with
his sperm and Barry filled her mouth to overflowing with his thick
creamy sperm. The kids were winding down laying on the bed and rubbing
each other making the pleasure last a bit longer and talking about how
they would enjoy the summer together. Brad and Barry did not tell their
sister about them and mom but they were plotting and scheming ways to
introduce Janet into their sex relationship with Bonnie.
Brad let it slip that he and Barry sometimes played with each other and
that he had sucked his brother off more than once. Janet seemed to take
this news rather well and eventually confided her secret affair with her
roommates to her brothers. The boys were very turned on by their
sisters revelations and told her they would like to see her making it
with another girl. Janet thought about it and told her brothers that
she might be able to arrange a show for them if the wanted it. Brad and
Barry told her they would love it and that maybe they could provide a
girl to try it with thinking of how hot Darla got they were sure they
could get her hot enough to get it on with their sister. Bonnie had
been afraid to go upstairs for fear that the boys would do something to
expose their secret to Janet. As it was getting late Bonnie called the
kids down for lunch and they came down and ate like they were starved.
Bonnie kept up the small talk thru lunch then suggested they all take a
swim. The boys and Janet thought it was a good idea and went off to get
into their suits. As Janet got out her skimpy bikini Brad came into her
room and began to lick her pussy while she was putting on her top.
Janet told him to stop or they would never get downstairs and mom would
find out about their love making and put an end to it. Brad told Janet
she shouldn't worry so much about mom because mom was cool and he told
his sister about seeing mom playing with herself while watching a
X-rated video tape. Actually Bonnie, Barry and Brad had watched the
video together and fucked each other silly during and after it. Barry
came in and told the two of them to get going and pulled Brad away from
Janet letting her get dressed. Brad and Janet went downstairs to the
pool leaving Barry to get the towels. Barry was getting them when he
heard his mother coming up to change into her suit and he wanted her to
wear her thong bikini so he her followed her into her room. Bonnie hear
her son and protested a bit warning Barry about his sister being home
but Barry reassured his mother that Janet was already downstairs at the
pool. Barry watched as his mom stripped down and his dick began to grow
as she moved around naked hunting for a suit. Barry told her to wear
the thong bikini telling her how hot it made her look. Bonnie was torn
between showing off and the dread that her daughter would find out about
what had been going on between her and the boys. Barry sensed her
concern and began to fondle his mothers large tits making her sensitive
nipples blossom erect while her pussy began to get wet. Barry dropped
to his knees and began to lick his mother's wet slit as he continued to
pull on her stiff nipples. Bonnie was almost to climax before he
stopped and Bonnie agreed to wear the suit he suggested.
Barry pulled his suit down and stroked his hard cock as his mother put
on her suit trying to make it hide more of her charms than it had the
ability to conceal. Barry and Bonnie headed downstairs to the kitchen
and Bonnie told Barry to meet her at the pool. Bonnie stopped and
poured herself a double shot of scotch to quiet her nerves before she
went out in front of her daughter in her suit with her ass cheeks
exposed. As Bonnie stepped out on the patio Janet whistled her approval
and asked her mom if she could have a suit like the one her mother was
wearing. Bonnie blushed a bit and then turned so that Janet and the
boys could get a clear view of her ass cheeks. Bonnie's ass was fully
exposed except for a half inch strip of cloth which just covered her
anus. In the front the suit was thin and just barely covered her mound
making a close cropped bush and shaved pussy lips a real necessity. The
top was not exactly spacious either and Bonnie's large firm tits were
showing at the tops and sides of the skimpy top. Bonnie's stiff nipples
were clearly visible thru the thin fabric and in the noontime sun the
heat was making Bonnie hot as hell for some fun. Bonnie dove into the
pool and swam around a bit as her daughter and sons got into the pool
with her. As they swam around Bonnie could swear she saw Barry feeling
up Janet but dismissed her thoughts as a figment of her own guilty, lust
filled imagination. Brad on the other hand was feeling up Bonnie and
she worried that Janet would see Brad as he grabbed her tits or rubbed
her pussy. Janet was trying to act innocent but she did notice that
Brad spent a lot of time very close to her mother and wondered if he was
trying to get a feel. Bonnie finally left the water if only to cut
short Brad's insistent hands. Bonnie layed out in the sun on the lounge
chair as she watched her teenage kids in the pool. Between the tension
and the booze Bonnie finally fell asleep in the sun and when she woke
she was staring at Barry across the pool. Barry was sitting on the edge
of the pool with no suit on and Janet had her head between his legs
sucking his cock like a pro. Bonnie didn't know what to do so she just
layed there and watched as her daughter rammed her mouth down over her
son's stiff prick. Brad swam up behind Janet and it looked like he was
rubbing and pulling on Janet's tits below the water. Pretty soon Barry
began to lurch forward and Bonnie hear her daughter sucking down Barry's
load as Brad urged her on. As soon as Barry had stopped spurting his
cum down Janet's throat he moved back and lifted her up onto the
decking. Janet was naked her small firm tits were beautiful and her
nipples were erect, her hips and thighs were smooth and firm and as she
settled down with her legs in the water Bonnie noticed that her
daughters pussy was fully shaved.
Bonnie feigned sleep as her kids continued their lovemaking. Brad
spread his sisters legs and began to eat her shaved pussy licking her
slit with long broad strokes as Barry fondled and sucked his sisters
jutting tits. Janet had her hand on Barry's cock and was stroking and
pulling his prick as her pussy was being eaten by her other brother.
Soon the pleasure built to a fevered pitch and Bonnie watched as Janet
began to climax arching her back and forcing her shaved pink pussy into
Brad's face. Brad climbed out of the pool his cock stiff and ready and
got between his sisters legs and pressed his prick up her cunt. Bonnie
could hear her daughter moan as Brad's thick long shaft penetrated her
hot cunt. Barry came around and sat on Janet's face telling her to lick
his balls and ass which Janet did while Brad continued to fuck his cock
deep into her hot tight cunt making her moan and twist with pleasure.
Seeing that Janet couldn't see Barry motioned to his mother to join
them. Bonnie was very horny from watching the hot scene between her
offspring and sat up massaging her tits as she watched. Barry continued
to motion to his mother to join them and then against her better
judgment Bonnie got up and move slowly around the pool to where her
kid's were lost in their lust. Bonnie was a bit jealous as she
watched Brad pound his prick up her daughters hot wet cunt stretching
her daughters pussy as he probed the depths of her hot cunt. Bonnie
stood next to Barry as he enjoyed his balls and asshole being licked by
his sister Janet. Barry reached out and pulled his mother's bikini
bottom down exposing her wet slit and began to lick her clit as he
fingered her wet vagina. Janet still couldn't see anything but was
getting close to another climax from Brad's stiff cock up her tight
twat. Bonnie knelt down and pulled her bikini bottoms off as Barry
removed her top began to fondle her tits and pull on her stiff nipples.
Suddenly Brad began to grunt as he climaxed and filled Janet's hot cunt
with his sperm making her climax and arch her hips up to meet the
strokes of his spurting cock. Brad backed off and Bonnie saw her
daughters pretty pussy open and dripping sperm, this almost caused
Bonnie to climax but she still worried about the consequences of what
they were doing. Brad moved beside his mother and fingered her cunt and
asshole as he moved her around Janet's wide stretched legs. Brad
remembered the pictures in the magazine and the one which had one girl
licking another girls pussy had always made him very excited. Bonnie
eyes were glued to her daughters pussy which looked delicious covered
with her son Brad's cum.
Pretty soon Bonnie knew that she wanted to eat her daughters sperm
coated cunt and bring her off with her mouth and tongue. Brad urged her
on and watched as his mom lowered her face between her daughters legs
and began to lick and suck his sperm from Janet's pussy. Janet started
to twitch and jump as Bonnie licked her cunt and clit marveling at
Brad's skill with his tongue as she felt like her cunt was going to
explode from the tongue lashing she was receiving. Barry's cock was
stiff as a board again and he wanted to fuck so he moved off Janet's
face. Janet looked down between her legs expecting to see Brad's head
between her thighs. To her amazement Janet saw her mother Bonnie
between her legs licking and sucking her cum filled pussy with a wild
look on her face. Janet scarcely knew what to do, jump up and scream or
to lay back and enjoy the best cunt licking she had ever received.
Looking up she saw Barry smile at her and knew that there was more to
this than a one time occurrence,Brad and Barry must have been getting it
on with mom for some time. Janet propped herself up on her elbows and
watched as her mother sucked her twitching cunt lapping up her juices
and the remnants of Brad's last climax. Bonnie raised her head and told
her daughter to enjoy, then told Barry to fuck her cunt with his stiff
prick. Barry moved around behind his mom and after a few preliminary
licks on her sopping slit he moved in on her exposed pussy and fucked
his stiff meat deep into his mothers waiting snatch. Janet watched as
her brother reamed her mother with his prick ramming deep into her cunt
and forcing Bonnie's mouth hard against her quivering slit. Brad moved
next to Janet and rubbed his cum slicked cock over her lips until Janet
opened her mouth and began to suck her brothers cock. Bonnie felt her
daughter tense up as her climax approached and being a considerate lover
pressed her long fingers up her daughter's spasming cunt completing her
pleasure and bringing on Janet's climax. Bonnie sucked up her daughters
juices as her son Barry pounded Bonnie's cunt bring his mother to a
frenzied peak and making her cum too. Feeling his mothers twat gripping
his prick Barry sucame to the pleasure and filled mom's pussy with his
creamy sperm. Brad was still hard and Bonnie and Barry watched as Janet
sucked him off taking a large load of sperm down her throat as she
squeezed her younger brothers balls milking his sperm into her mouth.
They were all a bit tired so they sat around a rested a bit while Brad,
Barry and Bonnie filled Janet in on how this all got started. Janet was
amazed at her brothers antics with mom and more than a bit jealous.
Pretty soon the boys cocks began to rise again and Janet sensed there
was more pleasure to follow. Bonnie told them all to go into the house
for something to drink and they all went into the kitchen and sat around
naked sipping some ice tea. Barry wanted to fuck his sister Janet and
moved to her spreading her legs, pulling them up on his shoulders and
eating her still slippery slit. Pretty soon Janet was moaning with
pleasure and begging Barry to fuck her hot wet pussy. Bonnie fearing
that they might be discovered by the neighbors told the kids to go up to
her room before things got totally out of hand. As they went up the
stairs Janet reached out and played with her mothers firm ass rubbing
Bonnie's wet cunt and taught anal pucker as they ascended the stairs.
Once they got in Bonnie's room Barry moved Janet into a doggy style
crouch and spread her pussy licking her cunt and ass to make sure she
was ready. Janet told Barry to fuck her cunt and called for her mother
to lay down in front of her so she could eat her mom's hot wet cunt.
Bonnie had not made love to another woman for quite some time and her
passion doubled at the thought of her daughter thrusting her tongue up
her hot cunt. Barry guided his thick prick up his sister's hot wet cunt
ramming his long dick all the way up Janet's tight wet hole on the first
stroke. Janet quivered as she felt Barry's big prick enter her slippery
slit and stretch her vagina as it plunged deep into her slick hole.
Janet loved the taste of her mother's sperm scented cunt and licked her
mother's stiff clit and forced her tongue deep into her tasty pussy.
Brad not wanting to be left out got down and slid under his sisters wide
spread legs and began to lick and suck her stiff clit while his twin
brother Barry fucked Janet with hard fast strokes making her small firm
tits shake each time he bottomed out in her tight pussy. Bonnie seeing
Brad's stiff cock standing proudly began to stroke her son's thick shaft
making the head of his cock pulse with excitement.
As they fucked and sucked each other Bonnie began to think back to her
collage days and the hot times she had with her soritety sisters. Bonnie
remember the all girl sex parties she had be in on sucking and eating
pussy all night until her tongue and lips were just to sore to continue.
Bonnie had to admit while she loved to be fucked and sucked by men women
had a special gift for pussy licking that no man even her husband had
been able to master. Bonnie was shaken back to reality when she heard
her daughter begging to wail as Barry brought her off making her ram her
cunt back against his invading cock. As Barry filled Janet's cunt with
his cream Bonnie felt her climax wash over her body filling every recess
of her sopping slit with pleasure as Janet forced her fingers deep into
Bonnie's cunt and asshole. Since Brad had yet to get off Bonnie
suggested that he fuck his sister up the asshole while Bonnie licked
Barry's sperm from her pussy. Both Brad and Janet loved the idea and
Brad changed places with his brother while Bonnie moved underneath her
daughter and began to lick and suck the Barry's sweet cum from her
daughters swollen cunt. Bonnie guided Brad's stiff pecker up her
daughters tight anus and played with Brad's balls while he fucked his
big prick up Janet's hot tight rectal passage. Barry licked his
mother's cunt and anus as he stroked his cock until it was hard again
then spread his mom's ass and butt fucked her tight back door. Janet
came quickly and her tight asshole milked Brad's pent up load from his
balls making her asshole slippery with his sperm. Barry filled his
mother's hot tight butt with his load making her climax over and over.
Bonnie and the kids never left her bed until noon the next day having
fucked and sucked all night and again in the morning. When they finally
got up it was from shear hunger and the inability to continue their
carnal escapades.
/* This is the second version/ending of the story. */
When Bonnie and the twins saw that bid grey bus roll to
a stop they could hardly contain themselves long enough to
let Amy get off the bus. They seen each other for six long
months and each was dying to see how the other had been and
to let them know how much they had been missed.
When Amy stepped off the bus Barry was the first to
sweep her up and he gave her a squeeze that nearly crushed
her ribs. She immediately noticed how he had grown. She
couldn't beleive that this was her baby brother who not long
ago was barely as tall as her shoulders. Now he was nearly at
eye level with her and she could the beginnings of a hard
young body that had sprouted while she was gone.
"Take it easy brother. I've missed you to". She gave him a
light kiss on the cheek as he set her down and then turned to
face her mom and Brad. "Hi, mom. Is it ever good to see you.
You can't beleive how much I've been missing you all". She
gave her mother a hug and a kiss and then waited to see if
Brad would give her the same tight squeeze as Barry. "Well,
haven't you got a hug for your big sister too"?
When Brad had first seen her step off the bus he
couldn't beleive his eyes. When she left he had only thought
of her as his older sister. The girl who always teased him
and Barry about being the bobbsie twins and never really
spent alot of time with them. But now, after the things he
had learned in the past few months, it was as if he saw
somebody totally different. Now he noticed how nice her butt
looked in her tight jeans. How her breast pushed against the
material of her tank top, just begging to be released. And
those legs now came together and formed what could be a
promise of sheer delight.
"Oh yea, Hi Amy. It sure will be nice to have you home
for the sumer. You are staying home all summer aren't you"?
"Of course I am you silly boy. I never thought I'd be
saying this, but I actually missed you guys while I was away.
I wouldn't go back early for anything". She quickly hugged
him and started to walk over to the luggage that was now
sitting next to the bus.
"I'll get that sis, you got to be tired after riding
that thing all night", and Brad and Barry quickly grabbed up
her bags.
During the ride home the two women made small talk in
the front seat and the boys were kind of left to themselves.
Brad was day-dreaming about what she must look like under
those tight clothes and it was causing him feel a little warm
and it was also giving him the early stages of a stiff prick.
They soon arrived home and they all helped Amy get
settled back into her room. After the twins and her mom left
her alone to freshen up, Amy started thinking about the way
Brad had been looking her over. "I wonder if that little
rascal has started fooling around the neighborhood girls"?
She thought to herself. "Well he is sixteen and I guess thats
about when I first started to wonder about boys. Well let him
imagine about this girls body". She giggled to herself then
decided to take a quick shower before going downstairs for
"Man, did you see how sweet she looked in those jeans". Brad
now had a full fledged hard-on and it was threatening to
burst through his zipper.
"What are you talking about? We haven't seen Amy in six
months and thats all you can think about is how nice an ass
she's got"?
"Come on Barry. You can't tell me you didn't noticed
what nice tits she's got. You sure did squeeze her awful hard
back there at the bus stop". Brad had started to rub his cock
through his pants, but he knew that that would never do.
"I didn't even give it a thought. We haven't seen her
for so long. I really missed her. Didn't you"? Barry was
starting to get a little ticked-off at his insensitive
"Of course I missed her stupid. But I couldn't help but
notice how good she looks. Do you think she fools around
while she's away at college"? Brad now had his cock out and
was starting to stroke it as he thought about those lucious
"Maybe she does screw around. I know I would if I were
in college. In fact we screw around enough right now, and
we're still in high school". When Barry noticed his brother
stroking his erect member he decided that two could play that
game and he dropped to his knees and quickly removed Brad's
hand from his now throbbing rod. "I'll fix this for you" he
said as he slowly slid his wet lips over that hot pillar of
As soon as his dick made contact with Barry's mouth,
Brad imagined it was Amy's tight pussy that was massaging his
prick and that she was fucking him doggy style. He immediately
started to move his hips back and forth in rythm to Barry's
Barry liked this. He didn't mind sticking his dick into
a nice hot pussy, but he really liked the feel of a throbbing
hunk of meat shooting big globs of cream down his throat. He
speeded up his sucking and was rewarded with that first taste
of pre-cum that leaked from the head of the now expanding
cock between his lips. He knew that Brad would be shooting
real soon and he wanted to savor every drop, so he slowed
down a bit and reached up and rolled Brad's ball between his
fingers. This caused Brad to make a little gasping sound and
his balls to tighten.
When Barry pushed his head down for one more stroke the
cock erupted full force. It filled up his cheeks with enough
goo that it started to almost leak out past his lips. He
quickly swallowed and steaded himself for the next blast.
That soon followed, although it wasn't quite as much, it was
coming out so fast that most of it ran down his throat before
he could catch the last few drops on his tongue. This he let
roll over his gums, while he eased back up the burning rod.
When he had just the head left in his mouth, he gave the
balls a final squeeze, which caused that last drop to trickle
onto his tongue and then he gave it one last hard suck before
pulling it out and tucking it neatly back in Brad's pants.
"Wow, that felt almost as good as when we first tried
it. Brad's face was returning to normal, but still showing a
slightly red glow from his now eased passions.
Barry ran his tongue over his lips to check for any
stray moisture that might have escaped his hungry mouth. When
he knew that his experienced lips had not failed him he said,
"Well now that that little problem is taken care of, maybe we
should go dowm stairs and see what mom ahs fixed special for
lunch. That appetizer has made me hungry".
Both boys were smiling and giggling as they headed down
the stairs to the kitchen.
Downstairs Amy and Bonnie were just finishing setting
the table. "Hey guys, what you been up to? You used to run
downstairs so fast to eat we thought an army was coming".
Both boys knew she was just kidding around.
"Oh, we were just talking about what we might do
tonight. Maybe we'll just stay around here with you Amy. I
think mom has to work again tonight, so we should stay around
and spend some time with you".
"I'm surprised you remembered about my extra shift
tonight. That's right Amy, I do ahve to go in tonight. I
tried to trade off with Mrs. Phelps, but she had already made
plans, so it couldn't be helped. Besides, I know you three
have probably got alot to talk about anyway". Bonnie was a
little upset about having to go to work on herr daughter's
first day home, but she had arranged to have off the day
after so she knew that the kids could get along one night
without her.
Dinner went along uneventfully. They had Amy's favorite,
meatloaf, augratin potatoes , brocoli and garden salad. "So
what are you three going to do tonight"? Bonnie was almost
finished with her meatloaf and was feeling full.
"I thought I would stay home tonight mom. I'm kind of
beat from the trip, and besides I want to call some of my
friends and let them know I'm home". Amy wasn't all that
hungry and she was just kind of pushing her food around on
her plate.
"Me and Brad are going to watch this new T.V. show that
comes on at eight. It supposed to a new science fiction show
that might come on every week later. It sounds really good".
Barry really liked the brocoli and he was going back for
"Yea mom, then after that we'll probably play a little
video games and go to bed". Brad sitting there kind of day-
dreaming and Barry knew that he was probably fantasising
about how Amy would look nude again.
"Well it sounds like you kids can get along alright
tonight. We'll try amd plan something together later in the
week. I'll make sure I can get off a little more so we can go
to the movies or something". Then she picked up her plate and
set it in the sink. "Barry, I want you boys to clean up the
kitchen and let your sister rest. OK. We don't want her
coming home and have to start doing household chores right
Buy the time she was walking up the stairs Brad and
Barry were done eating and they wanted to get done with the
dishes quickly so Brad said, "Come on Sis. Why aren't you
eating? If you're done we'll pick up here and you can go make
them phone calls".
Twin Brothers 8
"You two sure have grown up alot. I'm almost afraid to
go back to college. Who knows what you'll be like next
summer". She smiled at them both and slid back in her chair.
"I guess I'm still a little too tired to eat much tonight.
Thanks for helping your big sister out. I think I'll see if
Cheri is home, maybe she can come over later".
The boys quickly cleaned up the dishes and put the
extra food in the refrigerator and then they went outside.
"Amy". Bonnie called her daughter from her room as she
was getting dressed for work.
"Yea mom. I'll come up in a second". Amy put down her
phone book and walked up the stairs to her mother's room.
"Amy, I hope you don't mind spending your first night
home with the twins. They're pretty good boys now adays and I
know you three can get along alot better that last summer.
Besides, they were so excited last night and this morning
about you coming home. I don't know if I told you this on the
phone, but I think Brad's got a girl friend. They're really
growing so fast. I haven't noticed Barry paying any particular
attention to the girls, but I think he'll come around soon
enough". Bonnie was just pulling on her half slip and when
she bent over to put her legs through Amy was surprised to
see that her mom's tits were still pretty firm. When Bonnie
put her arms through the straps of her bra Amy helped her
with the snaps.
"Are you sure Brad's got a girl friend? I did notice
that he's grown a few inches since last summer".
Bonnie smiled. She wanted to tell her exactly where
those few inches had grown, but she didn't want to say
anything to shoch her daughter. And besides, Amy wouldn't be
home all that long and then Bonnie would have those two young
studs all to herself again.
"Well sweetheart, how does your mom look"? She was
wearing a skirt that was a little tight across the hips but
it wasn't too short. But the blouse she had on was cream
colored and a little see-through and she ahd left it un-
buttoned to just above her bra. It showed plenty of cleavage.
"I sure hope I look that good when I'm a mom. With
blouses like that you'll have patients coming back even when
they're not sick". Amy Smiled at her mom and gave her a
little hug. "It sure is nice to be home mom. I'm glad I
didn't change my mind".
"What do you mean Amy? Were you thinking about not
coming home"?
"Well there's this guy I've been seeing pretty regular
this semester and he wanted me to stay there and spend the
summer with him. But I told him that I really wanted to come
home this summer. Besides, it's only about two months. If he
still wants to see me, he'll still be there when I get back.
Also I told him to call me in a few days and maybe he could
come here".
"Sure Amy. Any friend of your's is welcome here. It's
nice to hear that you're not spending all your time in your
books while you're at school. Well look, I've got to get
going or I'll be late. We'll talk about your love life later
OK. I'll see you when you get up tomorrow". She gave Amy a
kiss on the cheek and then started down the stairs.
"OK mom, see you in the morning. Don't work to hard".
Later after Bonnie had been gone for an awhile and
Amy had about talked herself out on the phone she said good-
bye to Cheri and went in the living room to look for the
They were watching some weird T.V. show that Amy knew
she wouldn't like she said, "I think I'll go upstairs and get
a shower and get ready for bed. If you guys want a snack
later I'll help you get something when I'm done".
Both boys were wrapped up in the TV and barely heard
her walk up the stairs. When the program stopped for a
commercial Brad finally realized what Amy had been saying and
he got an idea.
"I think I'll go to the room and try to find comic book
I've been missing Barry. You finish watching the show and be
back in a few minutes".
"Yea sure". He was still stairing at the TV and didn't
even think about what Brad was saying. All he knew was that
when the program started and alien was going to probably get
shot full of holes by the cop and he could hardly wait to see
all the guts.
Brad quietly walked up the stairs. He knew exactly what
he wanted to do. He wanted to try and get a peek of his bis
sister. Hopefully while she was getting undressed. As he
walked down the hall he noticed that he didn't hear the
shower running and his heart began to race at the thought of
actually seeing those two luscious tits and maybe even a peek
of her furry snatch. He didn't know why, but just the thought
of stealing a glimpse of Amy's naked torso sent a heat wave
through his spine that ended up in his prick.
As he got closer to her room he soon found that she
hadn't closed her door all the way. He tip-toed up to the
door and listened to see if maybe she might be getting ready
to come out into the hall. The sounds that his ears picked up
sent an electric message directly to his rod. Amy was making
low moaning sounds. Not very loud, but just enough that he
could hear her while he listened at the door. He cautiously
put his eye up to the key hole of her door and the sight that
caught his eye almost made him fall over, which for sure
would have given him away. She was laying on the bed. She had
her eyes closed and she had both hands rubbing her now wet
pussy. With each stroke she was raising her hips off the bed
and making that sound that quickly caused Brad's cock to
reach full erection. After a few seconds of this she was
stsrting to reach her peek, but Brad still hadn't been able
to see her cunt because of her hands. He could see her tits.
They were everything he had imagined. Full, round and so firm
that they didn't even sag down on her sides as she lay there.
Each was topped with a light pink ring the size of a quarter.
But her nipples were as long as the first joint of his little
finger and were as stiff as his cock and pointing right at
the ceiling.
Just as he was sure that she was going to blow her wad
she put both hands on her breasts and started to tug at her
already extended nipples. That when he saw it. He pussy was
as clear of hair as it was when they had taked baths
together as kids. She had shaven it as smooth as the rest of
her flawless skin. And right now it was wide open and the
juices were running like a river.
Upon seeing this Brad lost all hesitation. He pulled
off his shorts to ease to pressure against his throbbing cock
and stood up and slowly pushed open the door making sure all
while that Amy was still wrapped up her temultous climax. He
quietly padded over to her bed. He took one last glance at
his orgasmic older sister and lost control. He leaned over
her bed and put his mouth over her over flowing pussy and
immediately began lapping up the over abundance of juices.
When Amy had gone up to her room she was thinking of
her last night on campus. She was already missing her lover
and his huge throbbing prick. She knew that she would
probably be seeing him before too long, but that didn't make
up what she needed now. As soon as she got to her room she
started stripping off her clothes. She hadn't even taken the
time to be sure the door was closed. When she had her slacks
off her hand immediately went to her now swollen pussy lips.
The moisture she found there let her know that sher cunt
needed some attention. She laid on the bed and started remem-
bering that last mind blowing climax and started to frig her
clit. When Brad started to lap at her pussy she was so far
into her fantasy that she didn't realize who was with her.
With each stroke of that wonderful tongue her body responded
more and more. Bringing her closer to that plateau that she
As Brad licked the sweet nectar from her hole he
immediately noticed her response. With each swipe of his
tongue across that sensitive hole her body started to rise up
to meet his oral digits probe. This reaction urged him on to
make an even bolder move. He moved his legs up on the bed and
quicklystraddled her head with a knee on either side of her
face. With one hand he guided his throbbing cock to her lips.
He rubbed the sensitive head over her lips a few times until
she open that hot oral cavity to let out another gasp and
thats when he drove it home.
As Amy was nearing her orgasm, her mouthed had a deeo
sense of emptiness that desparately needed filling. Thinking
that she was with or lover, forgeting that she was home in
her own bed she opened ehr lips to search for that throbbing
hunk of meat that she knew would give her mouth that fullness
that it desired. As she opened her hot lips she was rewarded
with the hot pillar of flesh that she knew would give her
that hot cream. When her tongue first felt the mighty
fountain of flesh it immediately made the little swirling
motions across the cap and then down the underside. Next she
slid her wanton lips up the great pillar. She desparately
needed to feel those tremendous spasms that she knew would
fill her mouth with great gobs of cum.
As Amy slid her now wet lips down his burning shaft,
shivers of delight ran through Brad's balls. This caused his
to pick up the tempo on the gyrating bald pussy under his
tongue. He stretched his lips out and made an air tight seal
over her pubes and started a suction that would asure him of
sucking every sweet drop of her pussy juice. Next he ran his
tongue over every inch of hot cunt, finally darting his
tongue into her now gushing hole. Then he started making
fucking motions with his tongue trying to push her body up
and over the edge of a mind blowing orgasm.
When Amy felt her pussy being invaded by this hot oral
digit she almost passed out from the pleasure. She reached
out her hands and grabbed onto his hips and forced his
thobbing member deep into her throat. This was her favorite
part of turning on. She loved the wanton feel of having a
cock plunge down her throat. Knowing that soon she would be
getting the hot protein nectar that she craved. As soon as
she was sure that his cock would continue the fucking motion
she reached back withone hand rolled his balls around.
This sensation pushed Brad over the edge. With a
powerful lunge her buried his cock into her throat and let go
with a flood of hot man juice. It felt as if his cock was exploding.
His prick gave spasm after spasm seeming like it would never stop
shooting that liquid fire. He also clamped his mouth down
even harder over the tasty pussy a gave the clitoris a nudge
with his tongue that started her pussy vibrating. When he
knew she was apst the point of no return he plunged his
tongue into her dark tunnel to the hilt.
When Amy felt her flood gates open she didn't hold back
one bit. She poured forth with one gut wrenching spasm after
mind blowing orgasm and let flood after flood pour into her
lovers mouth. She loved the feel of the spasming cock in her
throat and the delicious cum that seemed to never stop
shooting from its tip. She savored every delicious drop like
it was a nectar from the gods. When she felt the hot man
flesh start to ebb its flow of juices she knew that that part
of her fun was over but she also knew that with just the
right coaxing his now softening rod would be able to fill her
other craving cavern and give yet another mind blowing cum.
When Brad felt her body slow down and his own cock
start to deflate, the reality of where he was and what ehhad
done started to bring his senses back. But then Amy did
something totally unexpected. She pulled his cock back down
into her throat and she made little swallowing sounds which
made a massaging feeling on his cock. This started to
rekindle the fire in his balls and made his member start to
rise again. When he felt his cock get hard again he started
fucking her face.
Twin Brothers 9
When Amy felt that rod grow straight in her mouth again
she knew that she was ready. Without even opening her
eyes(she was too far wrapped up in her dream to even realize
that they were closed), she slid her lips off the shaft,
turned around and guided that hot prick to her anxious pussy.
When Brad felt his cock head touch the petals of her
gushing cunt he gave his hips a slow push and sank his dick
in upto the root. The feeling was unbeleivable. Her pussy
grasped every inch of his thobbing cock. When he felt it
touch the end of that hot cavern he stopped dead to savor the
feeling of this delicious pussy and also gaze down at her
yearning tits. He quickly lowered his head and sucked the
rock hard nipple into his lips.
When Brad made only one plunge into fiery cavern Amy
broke out of her trance. She was intending to wrap her arms
around him and pull him in close. But when she opened her
eyes she thought that she must be seeing things. That was her
younger brother' face above her and it was moist and shiny.
She knew that when she lay down on her bed that she was alone
and she figured that she ahd beoughther self to those mind
blowing orgasms. Then she ran her tongue over her lips and it
picked up that taste of nectar. Also her pussy was completely
stuffed with a delicious cock. A cock that was starting to
make her body respond. How could this have happened? Brad
must have come by her room for something and heard her moans.
Well there was no stopping her body now. It demanded release
and she knew that he was also getting nearer that point.
"Brad, your cock is driving me crazy. PLease don't
stop. Come on pound that fucker into me. Make me cum. Give
that hot juice".
When Brad heard those words it sent him on to orbit. He
started to slam his hips into her with gigantic force. Each
downward stroke made a slapping sound as their hips collided.
Each stroke sent new thrills through his cock.
"Are you almost ready Amy? Are you going to cum to"?
"Ohhh yesss. Keep pounding that big dick into Brad. I'm
almost therrrre"!!!! With that she went over the edge. Her
body seemed to be one endless spasm. Wave after wave hit her.
Her mind seemed to be in a tornado and her pussy was it's
vortex trying to suck the cum from his balls.
Brad felt something like molten fire creep up from his
balls and come rushing through his dick and shoot from the
head. "I'mmmmm there Amy. I'mmmm there. CAn you feel my cum
fill your cunt"? Torrent after torrent kept rushing from his
throbbing member. Great floods of cum filled her overflowing
Amy could feel every throb of cock as he emptied his
being into her waiting hole. He filled her up so that she
could feel it run back out and drip down the crack of her
When she felt it finally start to stop her pussy gave a
little squeeze to milk him of any juice that remained and
then they both started to come back to earth.
When they both had semi-returned to normal Amy looked
up into his eyes and said, "I don't know what made you come
up her, or why I didn't even notice, but you sure do know how
to make a girl feel good. My pussy is still throbbing".
Brad took a deep breath and said, "I couldn't help it
sis. When I saw you today getting off the bus. How hot you
looked dressed the way you were I knew I just had to get a
glimpse of you naked. After you came up here to get ready for
a shower I figured that if I snuck up here without you
hearing me that I might be able to get a chance to see you
without you noticing me out there. But when I got to the door
I heard you making those sounds, well it got to me. So I
peeked in the door. When I saw you playing with yourself I
forgot all about who you were and who I was. And when I saw
that you had shaved your pussy I knew I had to get a taste of
your hairless pie".
At first Amy was a little embarrassed, but then she
just laughed. "Well you sure know how to surprise your big
sister. I don't know where you learned to use that tongue,
but you can use it on me any time".
When Brad heard this it sent a throb back into his
cock, which somehow had managed to stay in Amy's now flooded
cunt. "You want to go another round before mom gets home"?
"Oh wow, I almost forgot about mom. Sure, I'd love to
give that great cock another ride, but this time I get the
She rolled him over on his back and started a slow easy
up and down that they both knew wouldn't last too long but it
would have to do for now. After all they had all the rest of
the summer........