Archive-name: School/highschl.txt
Archive-title: Discipline At Ridgemont High
The PTA of Ridgemont High was fed up with the use of crack, pot
and coke among the students. At each meeting, the teachers
complained about how difficult it was to control their classes.
Teen-age sex was also rampant. What were they going to do?
Mrs. Stanley, the PTA president, presented a solution.
"Discipline," she said sternly. "Good, old-fashioned discipline.
A whack on the butt. More formalized public spankings. It worked
in my day. It will work today."
The teachers and the parents agreed.
The town council had never passed a rule outlawing corporal
punishment in the public schools. The only reason physical
punishment had never been used at the high school before was
because some of the parents had objected. Now, things had gone
too far. The PTAtook a vote. 66 out of 70 members for, 3
against, l abstention. It was agreed that a behavior code and
list of punishments would be posted for the students.
The next morning, students giggled in disbelief as they read the
following notice posted on each homeroom bulletin board and in
every hall:
The students of Ridgemont High School have been granted the right
and privilege of a free, public education by the laws of the
United States. Any student who interferes with any other
student's right to that education, whether through an act of
negligence or malice, has trespassed against his or her fellow
student's rights and against the rights of the entire student body
and faculty. Consequently, that student shall be punished.
Punishments are described below. Infractions not listed will be
handled at the discretion of the observing teacher. Any teacher
shall have the right to punish any student in any manner set forth
below. No student shall have the right to appeal a teacher's
decision as to time, place, nature or degree of punishment.
Talking in class Number 1
Arriving late to class Number 1
Failure to complete homework Number 1
Excessive absences Number 2
Improper dress Number 2
Failing a test Number 2
Cursing Number 2
Smoking Number 2
Rudeness to teachers Number 3
Fighting Number 3
Using or possessing drugs Number 4
Improper sexual conduct Number 4
Stealing Number 4
* Recurrent offenses will result in increased penalties.
Students are required to count off each punishment.
Students must hold still or they will be restrained or
take the punishment again, at the teacher's discretion.
25 spanks administered with smooth, leather covered ping-pong paddle in front of class where infraction occurred. Spanks
administered on skin covered by panties or undershorts.
25 spanks administered with smooth, leather covered ping-pong paddle in front of class, or students before which infraction
occurred. Spanks administered on bare skin.
25 spank administered with rough, rubber-faced ping- pong paddle in front of class or other students before which infraction
occurred. Spanks administered on bare skin.
25 swats administered with bamboo cane or leather covered riding crop , in special after-school punishment forum, on bare skin.
50 spanks administered with smooth, leather covered ping-pong paddle on bare skin in special after-school punishment forum.
50 spanks administered with rough, rubber-faced ping pong-paddle
on bare skin in special after-school punishment forum.
25 swats administered with bamboo cane on bare skin in special
after-school punishment forum.
25 swats administered with leather covered riding crop on bare
skin in special after-school punishment forum.
"If you ask me, it's just bullshit," Johnnie Davis announced to
the gang of kids surrounding him. Johnnie was their leader. The
school tough guy. A kind of a hero.
"We'll see about that, Mr. big shot," his homeroom teacher, Mr.
Stryker yelled gleefully, as he came up behind him. "Everyone
here is a witness, and accordingly, is entitled to witness John's
punishment. John, you were cursing. That's punishment Number 2.
Will you please read that to your friends, so they know exactly
what kind of a show they're in for."
"You must be out of your mind, Stryker," Johnnie said
sarcastically. He turned to go, but Mr. Stryker grabbed him by
the scruff of his neck.
"Ah HA!" his teacher yelled triumphantly. "Rudeness to teachers!
Punishment Number 3! Want to stop here, John?"
"Bullshit!" Johnnie cried again, as he marched out the high
school's entrance. "I'll see you in Never-Never Land, bozo!"
Mr. Stryker looked calmly at the students. "He won't be back until
he agrees to take his punishment, which by now is adding up and
compounding -- concepts you've learned in mathematics. He may
think he's a big man, but he'll be back. He wants to play in the
big game on next month."
Stryker walked into his homeroom and waited for the bell. It rang
and two minutes later, little Emily Farmer timidly came in.
"That's a big Number 1 for you, young lady," he told her. "Go to
your seat. We'll break fifteen minutes early,class, I'd like all
of you to stay and witness Emily's punishment. After all, she's
wasted everyone's time by arriving late this morning."
The period dragged on and on. Poor Emily was terrified. She
hadn't been spanked since she was a child of seven or eight, and
then it had been over her mother's knee, not by a man she hardly
knew in front of 22 of her closest friends. She'd have to see
these kids again everyday for the whole year.
Fifteen minutes before the bell was about to ring, Mr. Stryker
announced. "Now, class, it's time for something even more
instructive than our history lesson." He opened his desk drawer
and removed a smooth, black leather ping- pong paddle . He held it
in one hand and slapped it smartly against the palm of the other
so that it made a loud smacking sound.
"Emily Farmer will be the first, but I suspect, if your past
behavior is any indication of your future actions, that most of
you will get a taste of this."
The class was dead quiet. Everyone was afraid, but no one more
than little Emily, who's eyes were already beginning to fill with
"Emily Farmer," Mr. Stryker said. "Come up to the front of the
She slowly walked up the aisle on shaky legs.
"What have you got to say to me and to the class?"
"I don't know, Sir."
"Apologize!" he commanded.
"I'm sorry, Sir," she stammered.
"Say, 'I'm sorry for coming in late.'"
"I'm sorry for coming in late."
"Say it to the class. Face the class, Emily."
Emily turned towards her classmates. Her face was bright red.
"I'm sorry for coming in late, class," she said quietly.
"Say it louder, Emily. We want to be sure you are sorry, because
in a while you're going to be very sorry."
"I'm sorry for coming in late, class," Emily said distinctly and
took a deep breath.
"Now class, and Emily," Mr. Stryker said. "The Code requires all
students to count out the number of spanks they deserve. Because
you have come in late, Emily, you deserve 25. You will be spanked
over your panties. Should you come in late again, at any time
during the current semester, you will receive 25 spanks on your
bare skin. In this very classroom, in front of all your
classmates. However, for now, that will not be necessary."
Emily had turned white and was beginning to tremble.
"Turn around and face my desk, Emily."
She turned so that her back was to the class. Mr. Stryker
approached her flexing the hand that held the paddle . "Lean over
the desk and put your hands out straight. Grip the far edge."
Emily did as she was ordered. Mr. Stryker waited a moment as she
stretched her upper body over his desk. She was wearing a white
blouse under a green corduroy jumper. He put one hand under the
skirt and turned it up until it rested on the small of her back.
In doing so he revealed her pure white cotton panties with a
pattern of tiny red and pink hearts. "How charming your taste in
underwear is," he said. "Begin to count after each stroke,
With that, he drew back his arm and swung. The smooth leather paddle whoshed through the air and landed in the middle of Emily's
upturned buttocks with a resounding smack. Her body shook with he
impact. "One," she said meekly.
"It will have to be louder if you want it to count, Emily," Mr.
Stryker said.
He struck again, this time a glancing blow that might be used to
put some spin on a ping-pong ball.
"Ow! Oh, Mr. Stryker!" Emily cried, restraining an impulse to leap
up from the desk. "Two."
"We can dispense with the commentary," Mr. Stryker said as he let
a particularly sharp blow fall on her right buttock.
"Three," Emily shouted as the pain rippled through her.
A few of the children in class were getting uncomfortable. They
realized that things had changed at Ridgemont High and any one of
them could be next.
Mr. Stryker brought back his arm and landed a fourth spank
directly on her left buttock. This time Emily gasped. "Four!"
she cried.
Now Mr. Stryker began to spank in rhythm. He alternated the
destination of the next three blows, left, right, center, and the
next, center, left, right. Emily was finding it hard to keep
count each spank in her effort to control her reaction to the
However, Mr. Stryker waited for Emily to count the correct number
after each blow.
When they reached number 13, he put all his force into the spank.
It was too much for the punished teenager. She jumped up and
clutched her burning bottom with both hands. "Please, Sir,
please. I'll do anything. Please stop. Please." And she burst
into hot, noisy tears.
"Compose yourself, Emily," Mr. Stryker said calmly. "We're only
half through."
Almost everyone in the class was moved to pity for poor Emily
who'd been so brave until that moment.
"I can see I'm going to need assistance," Stryker announced. "The
Code says that students must remain still or repeat the
"Oh nooooo, Sir," Emily begged.
"...or," Stryker continued, "be restrained. In this case, since
it is only Emily's first infraction, she will be restrained.
Janet come up here and help."
Janet, a tall, strong girl, walked up to the front of the room.
"You are to hold Emily's arms against the desk as I proceed with
her punishment," Mr. Stryker instructed. Janet nodded. Emily
stood in front of the class, rubbing her behind and stared
imploringly at her teacher.
"Bend over my desk, Emily," Mr. Stryker commanded again.
Emily hesitated.
"Now, Emily! Or, we will begin at number one."
Emily jumped forwards and assumed the correct position. Mr.
Stryker raised her skirt. "Janet, secure her arms." Janet walked
behind the desk and pinned Emily's wrists against the edge of the
"What number are we up to, Emily?" Mr. Stryker asked.
"Fourteen, Sir," Emily answered meekly. "We're up to number 14."
Mr.Stryker drew back his arm and let the paddle land with a mighty
thwack. Emily cried out in pain and indignation. "Fourteen!" she
Mr. Stryker applied spanks 15, 16, 17 and 18 in rapid succession.
He put his full body weight into each spank and carefully aimed
them to land on the same spot in the center of Emily's already
scorched bottom. Emily squirmed and shrieked after each blow. As
she counted out each stroke, she desperately tried to free herself
from Janet's grip. Janet had to work pretty hard to keep her on
the desk, but she managed it.
"Luckily, for you, Emily, you continued to count properly after I
picked up my pace," Mr. Stryker said approvingly. "What number is
"Nineteen, sir," Emily stammered weakly.
"Speak up, girl!" Mr. Stryker commanded and landed an extremely
wicked blow in the center of her throbbing and tender behind.
Emily screamed and began to cry loudly. "Nineteen!" she counted
in a voice wracked by choking sobs. Again, she began begging Mr.
Stryker to stop.
"Compose yourself, Emily," her teacher ordered. "I want you to
remember the final five spanks in your punishment. I'm going to
administer them slowly and firmly. You will request each one. I
want your full cooperation. Begin."
The room was silent except for Emily's sobs. Mr. Stryker placed
the paddle against her burning bottom. "I'm waiting, Emily," he
"Please give me spank number 20," Emily whimpered.
Mr. Stryker let go with a particularly vicious smack. He put all
his weight into it and it landed with a resounding whack.
"Owwwwww!" Emily wailed. "Owwwwwww."
"The number, Emily," Stryker said harshly.
"20," Emily sobbed.
For a moment, all that could be heard was the sound of Emily's
childish blubbering as Mr. Stryker waited for her to continue.
"We are waiting, Emily. Shall we begin at the beginning?"
This horrible thought moved her.
"Please give me spank number 2l," the punished child said through
her tears.
This spank was harder than the last and Emily screamed like a cat
in the night, but, she didn't forget to count "2l."
Hoping to get it over she yelled, "Please give me spank number
22!" She held her breath and tried to brace herself for the
Mr. Stryker took his time, however. When the blow finally landed,
it took her by surprise. She cried out pathetically and lurched
on the desk. Janet lost control of one of her wrists as the
decibel of her wails rose. "Hold her still, Janet," Mr. Stryker
"I'm sorry, Sir," Janet said. And although she felt intense
sympathy for the tormented girl and didn't enjoy participating in
her punishment, she clutched Emily's wrists all the more firmly so
that her battered butt remained the perfect, helpless target for
Mr. Stryker's relentless brand of discipline.
All the while, Emily's sobs echoed through the room. She must
have been so overwhelmed by her suffering, that she forgot Mr.
Stryker's instructions to count.
Mr. Stryker grew impatient. "Number, Emily!" he said harshly.
"I don't know, Sir," Emily bawled. "I forgot, Sir. Oh
pleeeeeease, Sir! Pleeeeeease don't hit me all those times again.
Was it 21, Sir? 22, Sir? 23? I forgot," she wailed.
"Pleeeeeease......," and her voice broke on her tears and
Mr. Stryker turned to face the class as Emily's tears soaked the
papers on his desk.
"According to the Code," he announced, "students are required to
count each spank. Emily has failed. Therefore, it is up to the
discretion of the teacher to decide which on the proper remedy."
He looked at the terrified class sternly. "We shall take a vote,
class," he said. "Emily has offended us all. She has interfered
with your education today by coming in late. She is receiving a
well-deserved punishment for violating your Constitutional rights
and, although she is only receiving Punishment Number 1, she is
making quite a fuss. So, I leave it to you, class. I intend to
apply the specified number of spanks to her tardy bottom. And,
she shall count them all. However, should she be further punished
for losing count? Can her punishment work, if she isn't
concentrating properly?
"All in favor of Emily receiving additional spanks, raise your
Three out of 22 right hands went up.
"An interesting number," Stryker said. "It looks like mercy,
Emily. Only three of your classmates are so deeply offended that
they feel you should receive further punishment. Interesting
because we had just administered to number 22.
"That's right, Emily, only three spanks left. And, only three
classmates who feel you deserve more. The solution is simple.
Each of these students will give you an additional spank. That
should satisfy everyone.
"You are to keep looking straight down at the floor behind my
desk. You shall never know which of your classmates has spanked
you. You shall simply remember that any one of them could have.
By watching your spanking, all of us have approved your
As her teacher talked, Emily felt as if her bottom was on fire.
She didn't know how she'd be able to take the final three spanks
on her tender and bruised skin. She didn't care which of her
classmates would spank her. She just wanted it to be over.
Afterward, she'd probably be embarrassed, but now all she cared
about was getting to the end of her horrible punishment.
The break enabled her to regain some of her control. She was
unable to stop the flow of tears from her eyes or the searing pain
in her bottom, but with a concentrated effort, she was able to
stop gasping and making dreadful little moaning sounds. She tried
to resign herself to the punishment that was yet to come.
Mr. Stryker gestured to one of the students who had voted for
additional spanks. He was a sandy haired boy who had always liked
Emily. But, because she had never taken him seriously, he had
enjoyed her punishment more than the others in the room. He
stepped forward and took the paddle from Mr. Stryker. Now, he
thought, he'd finally be able to make an impression.
Mr. Stryker said to Emily, "I want you to understand, Emily that
you have offended this entire class by your inconsiderate
tardiness. Therefore, before each of your classmates personally
punishes today, you are to say, 'I'm sorry I was late, class.
Please punish me.' Is that clear, Emily."
"Yes, Sir," Emily answered.
"Do you know why, Emily?" Mr. Stryker asked.
"Because I have offended the entire class," Emily stammered.
Despite her pain and fear of more torment to come, she was deeply
embarrassed by having to make this admission.
She had never felt so totally humiliated in her entire life.
"That's right, Emily. Perhaps, with your classmate's
chastisement, you will learn. Do you deserve your punishment,
"Yes, Sir," Emily answered automatically. Punished teenagers have
no choice. "I have offended the entire class. I should be
punished, Sir."
She spoke as loudly as her tears would permit. And, though part
of her rebelled at her punishment, another part was beginning to
wonder if it might not be well-deserved. She hadn't given a
thought to interrupting the class when she strolled in late this
morning. True, she was only two minutes late, but it could just
as easily have been five or even ten minutes. If her fellow
students were willing to punish her for this infraction, she must
deserve it. She was confused by her embarrassment and her pain
and she was also very sorry she ever came in late.
Mr. Stryker interrupted her speculations. "The first of your
classmates is ready to help correct you for your misdeeds. Do as
instructed, and request your punishment."
Emily shut her tear-filled eyes and repeated, "I'm sorry I was
late, class. Please punish me." She spoke timidly and tried to
prepare for the spank. She didn't know how hard her classmate
would hit.
The blow came suddenly. It was not as hard as her teacher's, but
it brought fresh tears to her eyes nonetheless. Any touch on her
burning, sensitive skin would make her cry for quite a while.
Mr. Stryker took the paddle and the sandy haired boy sat down.
"Thank the class, Emily," Mr. Stryker said. "If you don't thank
the class for your last spanks, we will start over again at one.
And, please, remember to count."
Emily's crying was nonstop now. In spite of it, she said, "23"
quite loudly. Then she said, "Thank you, class," and waited for
the final two spanks.
"Next," Mr. Stryker called. He pointed to a smug looking girl in
a pink dress. She had disliked Emily because of the sandy haired
boy. She'd always thought he was awesome, but once he noticed
Emily, he never paid any attention to her. Now she would pay
Emily back.
She took the paddle from Mr. Stryker and waited for Emily to
speak. "'I'm sorry I was late, class. Please punish me," Emily
said automatically through her sobs. The girl grimaced and swung
the hard, leather covered wooden paddle as hard as she could. The
blow was so fierce it pushed Emily's head forward into Janet's
"Awwwwwoooooooo!" Emily cried out. "Awwwwwwwoooooooo!" She began
bawling uncontrollably. Satisfied, the girl in the pink dress
smiled and handed Mr. Stryker the paddle .
It was a full two minutes before Emily remembered or was able to
say "Thank you, class." And, when she pronounced these words, they
were hardly intelligible. Just three high-pitched squeaks muffled
by violent whimpering and weeping.
"Now, Emily, you have one final spank left," Mr. Stryker said.
"Just one more--this time. Next time you are late, you will
receive Punishment Number 2. That is 25 spanks on your bare
bottom before the entire class.
And, because it will be your second offense, I shall not be so
lenient with you if you forget to count.
"Do you realize you just forgot to count 24?"
"24, Sir!" Emily shrieked. "Oh, please, Sir, 24!"
"I'm afraid it's too late now Emily. After the rest of the class
is dismissed, I'll tell you what additional punishment will be
necessary to make up for your lack of concentration. Now, we will
complete this part of your punishment."
Emily was in an agony of panic. She wanted to run form the room,
but Janet held her fast to the desk. She still had one spank left
and then she'd be alone with Mr. Stryker. What would he do to
her? She almost wished he'd give her another 25 spanks now,
anything to avoid being at his mercy with no one there to help.
She trembled and cowered, completely helpless and at his mercy,
stretched out across his desk.
"What have you got to say, now, Emily?" Mr. Stryker asked.
She was confused. "I'm sorry I was late, class. Please punish
me," she sobbed quickly, hoping it was the right thing to say.
"I'm sorry I was late, class. Please punish me," she said again.
"'I'm sorry I was late, class. Please punish me."
"All right, Emily, we understand that you're sincerely sorry." Mr.
Stryker called up the third student who had voted "yes." It was
another girl. A girl who had always hated Emily for having
prettier clothes and a richer family. Now, it was her turn for
She took the paddle from Mr. Stryker. She was a good ping-pong
player and used to the feel of the paddle . Ping-pong usually
depends on either strength or finesse. This girl knew how to
combine both in one stroke. She knew how to hit the ball with a
maximum amount of impact to create the maximum amount of spin.
She judged that this technique, applied to an already sore and
swollen bottom, would cause the maximum amount of pain. Although
she wouldn't win any points with this next stroke, it was going to
be her masterpiece.
She positioned herself as if she were about to play the Communist
Chinese. Emily's backside was in exactly the right place for the
best shot. She concentrated and let the energy flow up through
her body from her feet, to her arm into the paddle . She breathed
deeply and struck. The class was not prepared for what happened.
Emily howled and shrieked in complete, total and overwhelming
pain. It was a long drawn-out sound, a cross between a
high-pitched screech and a deep-throated groan. It lasted a full
20 seconds. Then her body began to flail frantically about on the
desk. Janet held fast to her arms. They rose and fell in a vain
attempt to let her hands get to her bruised and battered buttocks.
Her feet kicked and danced helplessly on the floor in front of Mr.
Stryker's desk.
Slowly, the howl dissolved into convulsive sobs. The top of
Emily's body went limp. Janet remained holding her arms in place
as Emily swung her ass to and fro in front of the class. Her
sounds and agonized movements didn't stop for four minutes.
At that point, the sobs turned to little stifled chokes. "Emily,
you have not thanked the class for your last spank," Mr. Stryker
said. "We must follow the Code."
Somewhere inside her, Emily remembered she hadn't counted 25
either. "25!" she yelled and burst into a fresh stream of tears.
Mr. Stryker looked at his watch. "That's enough for today,
class," he announced. "Emily," he said sternly, "Janet will let
go of your hands now. You are to stand up, face the class, say,
"Thank you class. Thank you for spanking me." You are not to
touch your bottom with your hands. You are to remain after the
class is dismissed."
Janet let go of Emily's hands. Emily slowly lifted her limp body
off the desk. She was still wracked by sobs. She put her hands
at her sides and slowly turned around. Her face was streaked with
tears. Her eyes were red and swollen. She looked at her
classmates, three of whom had just mercilessly spanked her, one of
whom had spanked her so hard it had almost killed her, and
dissolved in tears. She looked at the class, and summoning all
her strength said, "Th.....Th.....Tha.....Thank.....y....y... Thank you"
She immediately burst into convulsive sobs as, one by one, the
class filed out.
Stryker remained behind. "Are you thankful, Emily?" he asked her.
"You know, it was for your own good."
Emily was too overwhelmed to speak. "Perhaps you need to think
about it?" he asked.
"Very well. You may miss your next class. You are to remain
here. Stand in the corner by the blackboard while I prepare for
my next class. You are not to touch your bottom. It is supposed
to hurt. You will have the opportunity in the next 45 minutes to
decide if you really are thankful for your lesson today. I wager
it will be a lesson you won't soon forget. Go on."
Emily hobbled over to the corner and stood facing the wall.
Although she needed to very badly, she did not try to soothe her
tender buttocks with her hands. She could not stop her tears and
kept wondering what the rest of her punishment would be. The
waiting was agonizing. After 15 minutes, Mr. Stryker spoke.
"We teachers have some discretion, as you know, on punishment
administration. Your punishment is not over, Emily, because you
failed to count two spanks, the 24th and the 25th. If you don't
count, how do we know that you're concentrating on your
punishment?. Day dreaming is a big problem among teenagers. It
is completely unacceptable during punishment, when we need your
complete attention."
Emily's body stiffened as she stood facing the wall. "Turn
around, Emily," Mr. Stryker commanded. The student obeyed. Her
tear-streaked face silently implored him to show pity. "I want to
see the look on your face when I explain the rest of your
punishment," her teacher said. "I imagine you will find it hard to
sit down for a while, Emily. A good week I would judge after the
force of that last blow. What a wallop!
"Let's see if your bottom has reached 'Acceptable Punishment
Status,' young lady,." Mr. Stryker said. " You know, if I find
your butt is not punished enough, we'll have to take appropriate
action. According to my Punishment Chart, acceptable colors after
Punishment Number One are pink, red, purple, green, yellow and
blue. Let's have a look."
Emily shivered and stared at her teacher in disbelief. "Get on
your hands and knees, Emily and raise your bottom in the air."
Too terrified to disobey, Emily got down on her hands and knees
and presented her punished butt for inspection. "Raise your
skirts and lower your panties," Mr. Stryker ordered. With
trembling hands and renewed sobs, Emily lifted her skirt out of
the way and lowered her panties to her knees. The cool air felt
good on her burning hot bum.
Mr. Stryker remained studying the effects of the punishment for
quite a while. Finally, he said, "Yes, you've been sufficiently
spanked. Your bottom is pink and red with a touch of purple and
blue. I suppose the green and yellow will come later, when your
bruises start to fade. I'll want to get Mrs. Connor in to inspect
this too, so you'll have to wait like that until the next period."
Emily remained in this undignified position and continued to cry
like a baby. She was unable to control herself at all and made no
effort to stop.
Finally, Mr. Striker told her the rest of her punishment.
"Despite the condition of your tender behind, you must attend all
your classes, Emily. Today, you must report to your next class
immediately after inspection by Mrs. Connor. You will stand at
the back of the room during today's classes, so that all your
classmates will know you have been punished.
"Starting tomorrow, however, you may not stand. You must sit in
all classes no matter how much your bottom hurts, and judging by
the look of it, it will hurt a lot for quite some time. In
addition, you may not wear any foam rubber or any other type of
padding to protect you. Your teachers will make sure you don't by
a series of periodic inspections. And, I warn you, young lady, if
you are caught trying to protect that tender behind of yours, you
will be making matters worse....much worse."
Emily remained on the floor, on her hands and knees, with her
well-punished bottom raised in the air as Mr. Stryker lectured
her. "I don't want you to think of this as an additional
punishment, Emily," Mr. Stryker said. "You are to think of it as
an extension of this one. I am concerned that you were not paying
attention throughout your punishment this morning. I want to give
you further opportunities to think about your lesson, Emily, to
make sure it's been well learned.
"Now," he said, "you are to remain in that position until Mrs.
Connor comes round for your inspection."